Sunday, November 16, 2014

November 16 2014- Homecoming Talk

“I know that He loveth His Children; nevertheless I do not know the meaning of all things.”

How true this scripture is! I don’t understand the reasons things happen in our lives or the meaning of everything. But one thing I do know is that Heavenly Father loves us. Each of us. I know that because he answers our prayers.

Elder Richard G Scott, of the quorum of the twelve Apostles, once said, “Prayer is a supernal gift of our Father in Heaven to every soul. Think of it: the absolute Supreme Being, the most all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful personage, encourages you and me, as insignificant as we are, to converse with Him as our Father.

If there is one thing I learned on my mission it is that every miracle begins with a prayer. Think about that, Every miracle to occur in your life and in the lives around us began with a prayer.

Today I would like to share with you some important miracles that have affected all of our lives, whether we realize it or not. As well as some personal experience from my mission that will relate back to the over arching miracles. Every personal experience I share began with a prayer and were truly miracles through out my mission.

The first miracle, that I’d like to share, that began with a prayer has affected every son and daughter of God is that of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
In Luke chapter 22 verses 39-44 it reads,
 “And he came out, and went, as he was wont, to the mount of Olives; and his disciples also followed him.
40 And when he was at the place, he said unto them, Pray that ye enter not into temptation.
41 And he was withdrawn from them about a stone’s cast, and kneeled down, and prayed,
42 Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.
43 And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him.
44 And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.

Even Jesus Christ prayed and received strength. Because of His prayer He successfully preformed the Atonement. “That all mankind may be saved…”

It is such a blessing to have the knowledge of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and what He has done for us.

On my mission I was able to meet and teach many people from all over the world. Prakas was one of those people. He was from Nepal and had only been in the states a few weeks. In Nepal the primary religion is Hinduism. Prakas was Hindu only because that is the only thing he ever knew. He had never once heard of Jesus Christ or Heavenly Father. We were able to teach him about the Savior. We explained the miracle of the Atonement that the Savior loved him and knows him personally. We taught Prakas about Prophets. He had never heard of a Prophet or that there was a thing as Priesthood Authority, which is the Authority given to worthy men by God to preform sacred ordinances such as Baptisms. We explained that a role of a prophet is to teach and testify of Jesus Christ. As we taught him about Heavenly Fathers love for His children and that we were all Brothers and Sisters Prakas countance changed! He came to the knowledge that we take for granted every day, that is that we are loved by our Heavenly Father.

On many occasion as a Sister Training Leader I had the opportunity to give trainings at different conferences. One training in particular that has stuck with me is one I presented on hope. Often times we think of hope as something we wish would occur, but we know that it will never happen. That is not, however, the way that our Heavenly father and the scriptures want us to think about “hope” Hope is believing and expecting that The Lord will live up to His promises. During this training on hope an Elder shared this story that had brought him great hope as he was in the service of our Father in Heaven.

A man was sleeping at night in his cabin when suddenly his room filled with light and God appeared. The Lord told the man he had work for him to do, and showed him a large rock in front of his cabin. The Lord explained that the man was to push against the rock with all his might.

This the man did, day after day. For many years he toiled from sun up to sun down, his shoulders set squarely against the cold, massive surface of the unmoving rock, pushing it with all his might. Each night the man returned to his cabin sore, and worn out, feeling that his whole day had been spent in vain.
Noticing that the man was showing signs of discouragement, the devil decided to enter the picture by placing thoughts into the man’s weary mind. “You have been pushing against this rock for a long time, and it hasn’t budged. Why kill yourself over this? You are never going to move it.” Thus giving the man the impression that the task was impossible and that he was a failure. These troubling thoughts discouraged and disheartened the man. “Why kill myself over this?” Maybe I should just put in my time, giving just the minimum effort and that will be good enough.

He prayed, saying “Lord, I have labored long and hard in your service, putting all my strength to do that which you have asked. Yet, after all this time, I have not even been able to budge that rock. What is wrong? Why am I failing?”

The Lord responded compassionately, “My friend, When I asked you to serve me and you accepted, I told you that your task was to push against the rock with all your strength, which you have done. Never once did I mention to you that I expected you to move it. Your task was to push. And now you come to me with your strength spent, thinking that you have failed. But, is that really so?”

“Look at yourself. Your arms are strong and muscled, your back sinewy and brown, your hands are callused from constant pressure, and your legs have become massive and hard. Through opposition you have grown much and your abilities now surpass that which you used to have. Yet you haven’t moved the rock. But your calling was to be obedient and to push and to exercise your faith and trust in my wisdom. This you have done. I, my friend, will now move the rock.”

In several of the wards I served in my companions and I introduced a 40 days fast. This is where each family in the ward chose to fast one or more days during a 40 day period of time. This paralleled the 40 day fast that the Savior offered before His ministry. They were asked to fast for missionary work in their area and for those that we were currently working with. Along with their fast they were also encouraged to pray everyday for the work to hasten, for the missionaries by name, and for those that we were working with by name. Immediately as the fasts would begin we would see countless miracles and receive numerous blessings because of the member’s sacrifices. The first area that I served in was a Singles Ward during the 40 day fast we had many miracles most of which at the time seemed to be a great deal of reactivation work. The 40 day fast laid a great foundation for the ward and now a year and a half later the missionaries are baptizing weekly. I know this is because of the member’s prayers and fasts.

I know that it is truly a miracle that we have the knowledge of a Savior and that He knows and loves us. Because we are mindful of His example and sacrifice we can strive to be better each and every day.

The second miracle that began with a prayer is that of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. After Jesus Christ was Resurrected and ascended into Heaven He left His Apostles encharge of the church and the teachings. Over time the Apostles were also rejected which left the world in a time of spiritual darkness. The Priesthood Authority that Christ had given to His Apostles was taken from the Earth. In Amos 8:11-12 describe this period of spiritual darkness as a famine. It reads, “ 11 ¶Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord: 12 And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it. What I love about this scripture is that it describes this time as a famine. We know that a famine is just a season. A famine ends. It wasn’t until the year 1820 when there was finally religious freedom here in America that the Gospel of Jesus Christ could be restored. There was a young boy, Joseph Smith. He was only 14 years old. He lived during a time of religious excitement. He went to many different churches and wanted to know which one he should join. He was raised in a good Christian home where they were taught to read the Bible. He was reading one day in the Epsitle of James first chapter fifth verse which reads, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally and abraidth not and it shall be given him.” When Joseph read that it pierced his heart. He lacked wisdom. He now knew he could pray and that God would answer him. In the Spring of 1820 Joseph decided to do just that. He went behind his house to a grove of tree and knelt to pray. This was the first time he had ever offered a prayer out load. As I share Joseph Smith’s experience in his own words I want you to pay attention to the feelings that come to your mind and to your heart. I know that the Spirit witness to us through those peaceful comforting feelings. Of his experience Joseph Smith says, “ I saw a pillar of light, exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun. Which descended gradually until it feel upon me, when the light rested upon me, I saw, two personages whose brightness and glory deify all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake to me, calling me by name, and said pointing to the other, This is my Beloved Son, Hear Him.” I know that Joseph Smith saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. That was a miracle and it began with a simple heart felt prayer. I know that this event occurred because of the feeling of the Spirit and because I have prayed and received an undeniable answer from my Heavenly Father. Joseph Smith also said of his experience, “I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it.”
I had many experiences where I was able to share Joseph Smith’s experience and my testimony grew every time.

Once we were teaching a 19-year-old girl named Samantha. She was dating a less active member of the church. Her parents hadn’t taken a big role in her life growing up and never set a good example for her. She had gone to many different churches but always felt like something was missing. We went to teach her at her boyfriend, Cody’s, home. After we quoted Joseph Smith’s own words of his experience praying, just as I have done for you today, we asked her if she would pray to our Heavenly Father and ask Him if what we shared with her really did occur. With tears running down her cheeks she said, “I already know that this is true.” How could she already know? It was because the Spirit witnessed to her of the truthfulness of our words in that very moment. She felt the comfort and peace that only comes from our Heavenly Father.
On another occasion we were teaching a woman named Tamara. She was in her 40’s and was a single mother. She had led a very rough life full drugs, drinking, and bad relationships. She had one main question for us, after we shared Joseph Smith’s vision with her... What did Joseph Smith say about what Christ looked like? I had never been asked that question before and the other missionaries there did not have an answer for her. But in that very moment the Spirit brought to my remembrance these words quoted by Joseph Smith and recorded in the document entitled “The Living Christ” “His eyes were as a flame of fire; the hair of his head was white like the pure snow; his countenance shone above the brightness of the sun; and his voice was as the sound of the rushing of great waters, even the voice of Jehovah” I was shocked as those words came out of my mouth. I know that the only reason I was able to recall Joseph Smith’s words was because my siblings and I had all memorized this document years ago. I am forever grateful that I prepared for that moment without even knowing it. I know the Spirit can only bring to remembrances those things we have already studied and know.
I know that Joseph Smith restored the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That Christ established His church while He was one the Earth but that it was lost when His Apostles were rejected. The Authority was gone; it was not on the Earth. No one could act in the name of Christ and receive revelation for the church as a whole. Many people began to pick and choose things to take away from the Bible. The complete truth was lost. A Restoration, not a reformation was needed, of this Preach My Gospel says, “To reform is to change what already exists; to restore is to bring back something in its original form. Thus, restoration of priesthood authority through divine messengers was the only possible way to overcome the Great Apostasy.”
But you don’t have to take my word for it, or the missionaries word, or the leaders of the church. We can each pray and come to know for ourselves of the truthfulness of the Restored Gospel. We have been give the Book of Mormon, which is truly another testimony of Jesus Christ.

The last Prophet to write in the Book of Mormon was Moroni. He gave each and every person the same invitation to read, ponder, and pray about the Book of Mormon. In Moroni 10:3-5 it reads,  
3 Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.
 4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
 5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

The last miracle I want to share with you began with a prayer that I offered to my Heavenly Father in 2012.

In August 2012 I began studying at Brigham Young University. Many of my friends there had already served missions all over the world and others were preparing to serve. Missionary work was always a topic that was brought up at every social gathering. People would ask each other where they served or when they would be serving. At the time I had been writing letters to several of my friends who were serving missions. Missionary work was something that had been on my mind a lot.

But it wasn’t until October 5th 2012 that I really felt impressed that serving a mission was something that was in my future.  October 5th was a Friday.  My roommates and I went to the temple that day. In order to go into the temple I had to have a recommend, which is a paper that shows I am worthy to be in this sacred place.

When we had arrived at the temple I discovered that I had left my recommend back at our apartment. My roommates of course said they would wait for me while I ran home to get it. I have to say I was feeling kind of discouraged. It really wasn’t that big of a deal to go back and get my recommend, but at the time it felt like it was such an inconvenience for everyone and such a hassle to drive back and forth. Regardless of these negative thoughts I recognized that it was important to go to the temple. I knew that once I was there these feelings of annoyance would fade right away.

As I sat in the temple, missionary work crossed my mind. I was writing in my journal about some of my friends who had just gotten home from their missions and some who had just left. I was also thinking about my class schedule for next semester, because I knew that I would have to sign up for classes in a couple of weeks. With both of these seemingly unrelated thoughts running through my head, I made a discovery that would truly changed my life. I wrote,

“I’ve been thinking a lot about if I should serve a mission… If I am going to then I should probably start preparing. Actually- if I plan to marry someone who has served a mission I should prepare anyways. So that I can be as close to my Heavenly Father as my future companion will be. “

At that moment I decided that whether or not I ended up serving a mission when I was 21 I would still prepare myself physically, mentally, and spiritual. I decided that I would take a Mission Prep class, which was offered at BYU the following semester.

At this point in time I knew that I would not be allowed to serve until I was 21. This was the church’s policy and I respected that. Besides, I knew this would give me more time to prepare myself.

As I sat and pondered these knew thoughts and plans I was overcome with a comforting feeling that assured me that everything would work out.

On October 6th 2012, the very next day, the Prophet and President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Thomas S. Monson, made an announcement that has changed many people’s lives, including my own. He declared,

“That able, worthy young women who have the desire to serve, may be recommended for missionary service beginning at age 19, instead of age 21.”

As soon as I heard these words that same feeling of comfort and love overcame me. This was a second witness to me that I needed to serve a mission. Over the next several months I prayed to my Father in Heaven and went to the temple every week. I wanted to make sure that serving a mission was what He wanted for me at this time in my life. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that my Heavenly Father wanted me to serve the people of the Nevada Las Vegas Mission.

I have been blessed with many experiences, which provided countless confirmations of this through out my mission. I would like to share a few with you today.
The first is about my best friend, whom I found on my mission, her name is Kayla. When Kayla was in high school she had a couple friends that were members of the church. They invited her to come to church with them after a sleepover on Saturday night. Kayla had never really gone to church, but didn’t want to be left at their house by her self. After going to church with them she decided to meet with the missionaries and as a result Kayla, her mom, and younger sister were all Baptized. However flash forward a few years when I first met with Kayla in May of 2013. Neither herself, nor her family were active members of the church. Kayla was living on her own and decided she would like to learn about the gospel again and come back to church. We started going by to see Kayla ever Tuesday and Thursday night. As we taught her she began to regain the testimony that had dimmed. Kayla quickly came into full activity. After several months Kayla decided that she needed to share the joy of the gospel with others. She is now serving a mission in Louisiana. She is influencing so many lives. Though going on a mission was not an easy decision. While on her mission she wrote me this letter,
“I knew that the church was true and that The Book of Mormon was the word of God, but it might be fair to say that I didn't know much else. (I did, but I didn't) As I have dedicated my time to the Lord, He has made more truths known unto me. I don't wish that I would have waited longer, before serving. Had I of waited longer, self-doubt would have ruined all possibility. My companion and I watched The Restoration with a member the other day. In there it said that Joseph Smith was called in his weakness. That really stood out to me. The Lord calls most, if not all, of His servants in their weaknesses and qualifies them for the work. I am one of those servants. I was indeed called in my weaknesses, but each day I see the Lord's hand qualifying me for His work. I can honestly say that I don't wish that I could go back and do this and that or this before coming to serve, because I don't. The Lord called. I came. I came inadequate, unprepared and with little knowledge, but I came and The Lord has qualified me. The Lord knew who I was. He knew who I was when He called, but He called, because He knew who I could become. I'm not entirely there, but I'm closer than yesterday and tomorrow I'll be closer than today if I allow myself and give myself to the work of the Lord. 
Another friend I found is named Lou. He is 73 years old. He grew up in Germany during World War II and after escaping Germany went to live in Australia. He eventually was able to come work in the United States. This was where he wanted to be, because as a little boy he remembered the American soldiers and how good they were to him. When working in the States he found that the head of the company he worked for and many of his coworkers were LDS. He knew something was different about them. He knew they loved and cared for their families. He wanted what they had for his own family.  They would occasionally invite his family for a social event in their homes. But never once did they invite Lou to church, or to learn about the gospel. Years and years later he ended up moving to Boulder City to be closer to one of his sons. I first knocked on Lou’s door in April. He let us right in and we taught him about Joseph Smith. Several weeks went by before we could meet with him again. During the hot Vegas Summer we were able to meet with Lou every weekday at 3 o’clock. From the time I met Lou until August I had 7 different companions. Needless to say I was the only constant in our meetings with him. But thankfully we had many different members of the local ward come with us each day. I could tell you story after story about Lou and his conversion. Like the time he first prayed, it was so pure. Or when he first heard President Dieter F. Uchtdorf speak. Or when we helped him understand the importance of coming to church. Or when we taught him how to read the Book of Mormon. Or when he wanted his entire street to learn about the gospel. All of these little experiences helped Lou’s testimony to grow.  His desire to be baptized exactly like the Savior was baptized grew as well.  My last Saturday in the area Lou was baptized. I know without a doubt that I was sent to Boulder City to endure the trials I did, so that I could be an instrument in The Lord’s hands to teach and uplift Lou. Lou is a ward missionary and he working so hard to help his wife and children have a desire to be baptized. He loves going to the Temple.

I’ve shared experience about my mission and the people that I have come to know and love.

The last experience I want to share with you is one that has truly made a lasting impact on myself as well as my siblings.  In June this past year I began to have promptings concerning things I needed to share with my little brother Kiger. One of them being the importance of doing Family History. Elder David A Bednar, of the quorum of the twelve Apostles, said concerning the need for youth to do Family History, “I promise you will be protected against the intensifying influence of the adversary.” I knew that was a promise from a servant of our Heavenly Father and a promise that my siblings needed. I wrote to my brother via email in all capital letters urging him to work on Family History. A week later he wrote me about the miracle that occurred because of our prayers. I've been praying about family history. I haven't really known where to start but thankfully I've had an answer to my prayers! One night last week an unknown number called me and I didn't know if I should answer but at the last second I pick up the phone and it was President Fronk! He told me that out of all the stakes the church has selected 24 to start a new family history program. He went on the say that the stake is starting a youth family history program with new version and he wants me to head up the committee [and Breeze to be apart of it too]!! It was amazing to get that call and see my prayers answered right in front of my eyes! I know our prayers [are answered] in front of us all the time but this one was just so apparent to me!”

Spencer W. Kimball said, “God does watch over us and does notice us, but it usually through someone else that he meets our needs.”

I know that The Lord has perfect timing and that if I would have waited even a few weeks of putting my papers in to receive my call I would have missed out on these life changing and testimony building experiences.

Monday, October 27, 2014

October 27 2014

Friends and dearest Famliy!

This is it! My last week as a Missionary! Just a few highlights..

Monday we had a great lesson with Norvell! His two twin nephews came
to the lesson. Their names are Keymon and Keymonte! So precious! We
talked about the Book of Mormon and invited them to all read the
introduction and pray if what they read was of God. I am really
excited to hear about their experience! We just found out that one of
the guys we were teaching, Brent, had to leave for Arizona to help out
his brother. He will be gone until Thanksgiving. Hopefully he will
keep reading and praying!

Tuesday was my last District Meeting. Elder Keagon my District Leader
had written on the agenda "The Tale of Two Sisters". Sister Smith and
I both had the opportunity to bare our testimony to our District at
the conclusion of the meeting. It was great! We met with Sister Mundy
and share with her 1 Nephi 8, Lehi's Dream. We had cute cut outs of
course and had a great discussion about holding to the rod and
standing strong and faithful. She has become so much strong in these
past 3 months! I am so grateful to have been able to learn with her
and from her. We met with Iza'ya for a few minutes today and he told
us that his mom doesn't not want him to get Baptized again. She
doesn't understand the importance of authority and that that is key in
order for a Baptism to really be in the name of Christ. Hopefully
through prayer and learning her heart will be softened. We then were
able to read with Norvell, Keymon and Keymonte! We invited them to
continue to pray. It is so fun to hear them say there first prayers!
They are so pure!

Wednesday we had exchanges! I was in our area with Sister Toyn. We
were up bright and early to teach Seminary! It was wonderful! We
talked about our purpose and also ways to share the gospel. They role
played setting at lunch and inviting there friends to learn using the
willing and brief! They loved it! We were able to meeting with
Norvell, Keymon and Keymonte again! Keymon and Keymonte ran out of
there house up to us holding their copies of the Book of Mormon,
shouting, "IT'S TRUE! IT'S TRUE! WE KNOW IT'S TRUE " I have never seen
so much enthusiasm! It was amazing!!! They are very special sons of
God! We then had a "Ice Cream SUNDAY" lesson with Iza'ya! We compared
the Sabbath to a Sunday that you eat. WE talked about the things we
should and shouldn't do on Sunday. He loved it! Everyone always does.
Hopefully this will help him to come to church this Sunday. We had a
great dinner with the Robles. We shared with them the "Because or Him"
video that the church created for Easter. It brings tears to my eyes
every time I watch it! We also read in the
Book of Mormon with with Sister Olive. It's amazing to how the
scriptures have the answers, guidance, and comfort to all of life's

Thursday we met with a less active named Lisa. She agreed to have us
come and "practice" our lesson with her! It is always exciting when we
get to teach someone about the gospel, who may have forgotten it's
importance. Their testimonies are always rekindled! It is amazing! We
also met with Jeanie! She is preparing for Baptism in December and is
really doing awesome! We had a crazy accident happen though. Our
member that was with us was petting her dog, who was a rescue dog and
is very unstable. Well after petting her, she stood up to quick and
the dog bit her hand. It was hurt pretty bad! It really was quite
scary! Then we met with Norvell, Keymon and Keymonte and read a little
bit more in the Book of Mormon with them. I love reading the Book of
Mormon with people. The Spirit is always so strong as we read the word
of God together as brother and sisters.

Friday we had a surprise Sister Training Leader Meeting. Sister
Swerdfeger and I gave a training on "Lovingly Correcting Disobedience"
It turned out amazing! We talked about three steps to take. 1) as we
are on exchanges with our sisters we should read in the Missionary
White Hand Book about something that Sister is struggling with. Have a
positive discussion on how we can all improve that behavior. 2) pull
her aside in the moment of the disobedient behavior to talk about it.
3) seek help from Mission Leaders. All the Sisters said our training
really helped them! We role played examples for them. It was really
positive. They announced that they with have Mission STLs now, they
will work along side President and the APs. They are like Sister APs.
It is pretty cool. I know it will help a lot of Sisters!

Saturday was my last full day to work as a Missionary! We worked hard!
We talked to so many people and had a couple lessons. But the
highlight was being able to attend Terry's Baptism. Sister Pence and I
had taught her in September and then she moved. But the Elder's were
able to continue teaching her! It was so great to her and it was a
very special experience! She is solid! I can't wait to see all the
good she does. She is such a great example to her family and friends!

Sunday during Craig Ranch Ward, Bishop Montandon had me stand a bare
my testimony. I held it together pretty good. It was great to be able
to see all the people that I have grown to love and adore as I have
served here these last 3 months. The Montandon's fed us dinner and
then had a surprise dessert party afterwards and invited members of
the ward to come. It was very special. I was grateful to have been
able to say goodbye to everyone.

I truly am at peace with this chapter of my life ending. I know that
if The Lord wanted me to serve longer He would have called me to serve
longer. He asked for 18 months and I have faithfully served the best
that I could. I wasn't the perfect missionary. But I was perfect in
one thing, I was perfect in trying. I know that Heavenly Father
qualifies whom He calls. He will always give us guidance and
direction. He knows us. He knows our needs, wants, and desires. I am
so grateful He know me. When I look back on my mission and even my
life, if things would have worked out the way I wanted it to be, I
would not have the joy I have now. I would not have been able to serve
with all my heart, might, mind, and strength. I am forever grateful
for a loving Heavenly Father, who sent His Son to be my Savior and
your Savior. I know that I can always trust Him. "I know that He
loveth His children; nevertheless I do not know the meaning of all
things." - 1 Nephi 11:17

Sister Davis

Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20 2014

Hello Wonderful Family and Friends!

Let's just jump right into it!

This Monday we had an amazing lesson. We went to go visit our new
investigator Marco. He was called into work and wasn't home. His
sister Rebeca answered the door and invited us to come in and share a
message with her. We shared the Restoration message and talked abou
how the Priesthood authority was here on the Earth again. We talked
about the Book of Mormon and how she can have a witness from the
Spirit that all of this is true. She excepted to be Baptized in
November and was so excited to read from the Book of Mormon. It was so
powerful! I truly know Heavenly Father is aware of His children!

Tuesday we had a great district meeting and then meet with Brent. We
taught him about the Restoration. He is struggling with the idea of
Prophets, even Bible time Prophets. Hopefully as he studies and prays
he will recognizes his answer from the Spirit. We also met with Sister
Mundy! We had a great discussion of Alma 32 and Ether 12. I love the
things we learn about Faith, Hope, and Humility from these chapters!
She has a great desire to come closer to the Spirit. We taught Iza'ya
about the Plan of Salvation. He renamed it "The Happy Plan" It is so
fun to teach him, because he loves to learn and really understands all
that we share with him! Then because our dinner canceled on us we were
able to go with the youth and our investigators to the Meet The
Mormons movie at the Texas Station! It was awesome! Super weird to be
in a Casino and then a Movie Theater as a Missionary! But it was
wonderful to feel the Spirit and see how the gospel has blessed so
many peoples lives across the world!

Wednesday we meet with Jacqueline and read in the Book of Mormon with
her. She is going through some really struggles. She excepted to
prepare to be Baptized in November! The Spirit was so strong as we
taught her and invited her to prepare to be Baptized. I am so excited
for her! Later we read in the Book of Mormon with Iza'ya. He is so
excited for the things he reads and how he can relate it to his life!

Thursday we talked to Brent more about the Book of Mormon. He has
already read to much of it. He just needs to pray with real intent! We
taught Jeanie about the Plan of Salvation! She talked to us about how
she is trying to quite smoking. I know it may be a challenge for her.
But we praying and doing all we can to help her. We also met with
Iza'ya again and taught him about Faith, Reptenace, Baptism, The Gift
of The Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End. He love Repentance! It is
his new favorite word. We a

Love,lso met with Hannah the lady we helped move a few weeks ago. She
is a sweetheart. We had a great lesson with a guy Novell. We taught
him the Restoration and invited him to be Baptized. He agreed and is
going to pray about the thigns we have shared. It was a jam packed

Friday was my 18 MONTH MARK! I can't even believe that! We were able
to meet with President and Sister Snow for interviews and watch the
Meet The Mormons movie! What an awesome day! We had a great dinner
with the Fontano Family! I just love them! We met with Novell and he
said that he prayed about what we shared. He woke up in tears and he
know that the Holy Spirit made it know to him that what we shared was
true! Amazing experience! We read with the Garcia's about the Savior
coming to the America's! Then met with the Endsley's and talked about
The Plan of Salvation. I just love these families!

Saturday we had weekly planing but we did get to meet with Iza'ya and
read in the Book of Mormon! He loves the scriptures which makes it so
fun to read with him.

Sunday was a great day! We went to the Why I Believe Fireside after
church! Sister Mundy came with us! I got to see all of my old friends
from Boulder City and Robindale! It was wonderful! I saw Olivia and
Lou which was a special treat! I love feeling the Spirit there!

I can't believe I only have one week left as a missionary! I am going
to work my very hardest and share my testimony with everyone! I am so
grateful for the time I have to serve here! It is the greatest work!

Sister Davis

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

October 13 2014

Hello Family and Friends!!
What a great week it has been! There is so much good here in North and
then you get a little crazy mixed in. The crazy this week was that
there was a traffic violation outside our apartment complex. The
driver shot at the officer and his two armed friends ran away. All the
streets were blocked off and there were camera crews around our
apartment trying to surround the two armed men. This is North.

Monday we had our first lesson with a 16 year old boy, Iza'ya
(Isaiah). He is so innocent and remembers so much of what the Elders
taught him before. We had a great discussion on the Restoration and he
has a great desire to be baptized. His mom has been holding him back.
Hopefully through prayer and fasting her heart will be softened.

Tuesday we had a great district meeting and then we were able to meet
with Jeanie and have our first lesson with her. She is living with her
son and his family who all attend our ward. I felt like we were
teaching a member. She is already reading the Book of Mormon, praying,
coming to church, having Family Home Evening with her family. She know
that this is Christ Restored Gospel on the Earth today. She is so
ready! I am not sure why her family hadn't invited us to teach her
earlier! I love teaching her. She has had a very hard life, but can
see the light at the end of the tunnel and she knows how much the
gospel can help her. We then were able to go to Sister Mundy's and
answer questions and read with her. We talked about opposition in all
things an dread in 2 Nephi 2 about the importance of choices. It was
wonderful. I always feel uplifted as awe meet with Sister Mundy! We
had dinner with a less active, part member family that night. It sure
was fun! They had the two cutest kids. Then Janelle went with us to
say a prayer with a girl we met earlier that morning. She wasn't home,
but her brother was. He let us in and we prayed with him. It was the
strangest experience. He stopped us in the middle of the prayer to
make a few random comments. He said he would be interested in learning
more. He is YSA age so we told the YSA Sisters about him and hopefully
they will be able to help him.

Wednesday we went to the Temple. I was able to see so many people from
my past areas. Sister Green from Quail Ridge was in my session. Sister
Slack from Black Canyon was sitting right next to me. It was so great
to see them again. The Las Vegas Temple is so pretty! There is such a
special spirit there! It was such a blessing to be able to go and feel
of my Heavenly Father's love. We had dinner with the Garcia's, they
fed us steak! It was so good! They are so fun and made us a little
care package of snacks to take with us. It was great!

Thursday I was on exchanges with Sister Coltrin in their area. We had
some great lessons with some of their investigators. It was fun to go
on exchanges again with Sister Coltrin. Last time we discovered that
we were both going into Advertising at BYU. This time we both
discovered that we both changed our majors to Public Relations at BYU.
We are so in sync it is crazy! It was fun to see how another
companionship balances being in two wards! It is a challenge for

Friday we had our first lesson with Jacqueline. We had talked to her
on the street and then she called and set an appointment with us! It
was nuts! She has so many questions and is really interested to know
why no one likes Mormons. She thinks we are great! She said she would
be at church on Sunday! We then went to lunch with Cathryn Daniels! It
was so fun to see her again and catch up! It is nice to have friends
from Texas living here in Vegas. We had a great Plan of Salvation
lesson with the Esser's. It was so fun to use my giant pieces and
teach them about the plan our Heavenly Father has for them. Everything
after 4pm fell through. That happens a lot. But Heavenly Father always
has another plan for us!

Saturday we had a full day! We met with Gloria and talked to her about
our purpose and how we couldn't keep coming by if she wasn't
interested in finding out for herself it what we were teaching her was
true. We expressed our love and our desire for her to keep attending
church and to call us when she was open to learning. We then met a
less active man in our ward, Brother Duvall. His house was so full of
cigarette smoke that we had to leave quickly. Sister Swerdfeger had an
allergic reaction to it. Later we had two great lessons right in a
row. First with a man named Novell, whom we were able to pray with and
invite to learn more. Then with Jandy and Anthony. We brought Sister
Esser and her 14 year old son, Christian, with us. It was great! They
have such powerful testimonies! Later that night we went to a less
active, part member families home with the Fontano's. They requested
blessing, because they were going through a very difficult time. We
had no idea what we were walking into. After being there 30 minutes
and not being able to say much Brother Fontano asked us to leave. I
was so grateful he did. He and his wife were there for another hour
and a half. I can't explain what happened there. But it was the most
terrifying night of my mission. I couldn't sleep that night.

Sunday I was exhausted physically and spiritually. It was very
difficult to fast, but I know that gave me strength. Our church
services were full of the Spirit. Jacqueline came to church and really
enjoyed it! I am so grateful that we have a refuge from life storms as
we attend the Temple and go to our church services on Sundays, to
partake of the Sacrament.

How grateful I am for the gospel and the peace that it brings. I love
being a missionary. I love having the Spirit with me to help and teach
others. I love this gospel and my Savior. I know that He has felt all
that I feel and all the feelings of those I meet each day. I know He
lives and loves us!

Sister Davis

Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6 2014

Hello my dearest family and friends!
What a jam packed week it has been!

Last Monday we met with a lady named Leeann. I had originally met her
on exchanges and she set up to have us come back and say a prayer with
her and her family. Before we prayed we were able to get to know her a
little bit and we soon learned that she has been battling cancer for
the last 4 years. She found out when she was pregnant with her
youngest and as a result he was born with a few handicaps. She asked
us why God would let these bad things happen to her. We prayed with
them and the Spirit was so strong! She could feel Heavenly Father's
love for her and asked if we could come back and teach her family. She
told us that her 8 year old daughter use to got to church with their
neighbor and how much she loved it! We are really excited to see the
miracles that take place in this families life!

Tuesday I was with Sister Paris, from the MTC, all day! We were on
exchanges and I was in the YSA ward here in North. I miss teaching in
the YSA wards! There is something that is so unique and special about
working with people your own age. I can literally see the paths they
could take in their life and the potential they have if they will just
accept and live the Gospel. I want more than ever to help my brothers
and sisters feel the Spirit and the love that our Savior, Jesus Christ
has for them.

Wednesday we had Mission Leadership Council! It is always fun to see
all my friends that are serving in different parts of our mission! We
had the special privilege and treat to have a sneak peek preview of
Meet The Mormons! It was absolutely amazing! It is not a "come join
our church" movie. It is truly about six ordinary people with
extraordinary stories. I want to personally invite every single one of
you to go see this movie on opening weekend. How well Meet The Mormons
does in the box office on October 10th and 11th will determine how
long it stays in theaters and if it is able to later be on Netflix and
Amazon. Elder Holland said of the Meet The Mormons release, "This is a
very bold move on behalf of the Church. This has never been done
before. We are asking you to step out boldly with us!" I love that!
Share and Experience! Invite everyone! It begins on the streets of New
York and takes you all across the world with these people experience!

Thursday we had our Zone Training Meeting! Sister Swerdfeger trained
on Being Consecrated and I gave a training on Patience. My training
was very simple, but from the comments that were made both during and
afterwards I know it had a great impact. We read about Patience in
Preach My Gospel sentence by sentence and discussed each one. Then I
shared this poem at the end and asked them to think about how they
could be more Patient.


He’s Been There Before

The alarm rings at 6:30; I stumble to my feet,
Grab my companion’s bedding, and pull off his sheet.
A groan fills the room, is it already time to arise?
It seems like just a second ago I was able to shut my eyes.

The morning activities follow – with study, prayer, and such.
When it’s time to leave the apartment, you feel you haven’t done too much.
“We have a super day planned,” my companion says with a grin.
I lowly utter a faithless breath, “Yeah, if anyone lets us in.”

With the word of God and my faithful Schwinn, we ride off in the street,
Prepared to face another day of scorching winds and heat.
It’s 9:30 in the evening, the day is almost through;
My companion and I are riding home, not accomplishing what we thought to do.

We ride up to get the mail, hoping to receive a lot
Only to look inside and hear my echo reverberate “air box”.
We go up to our apartment, the day is now complete.
The only thing to show for our work; a case of blistery feet.

It’s past 10:30 p.m., my companion is fast asleep.
Silence engulfs me all about and I begin to weep.
In the midst of sadness, I kneel down to pray;
I need to talk to Father, but I’m not sure what to say.

“Oh, Father”, I begin, “what happened to us today?
I thought we’d teach somebody, but everyone was away.
My hands, my aching hands – worn, hurt, and beat;
If our area was any smaller, we’d have tracted every street.”

“Why on missions are the days all so much alike?
The only difference about today was the flat tire on my bike.
Will you send some cooler weather? The heat is killing me.
I sweat so bad, it gets in my eyes. It’s very hard to see.”

“Why do I have to wear a helmet, isn’t you protection enough?
People always laugh at me and call me stupid stuff.
Please send us investigators so I may give them what they lack.
I want to give them Books of Mormon, the weight of them hurts my back.”

“And what about my family? They don’t have much to say.
I’m sick of not hearing from home, day after day after day.
My companion, Heavenly Father, what are you giving me?
The way he rides his bicycle, I don’t think he can see.”

“Oh, Father, why am I here, am I just wasting time?
Sometimes I want to go home, I’m sorry that’s on my mind.
Now you have it, I can’t go on, I don’t know what to do;
That, my Father in Heaven, is the prayer I have for you.”

My prayer now finished, I get up and jump right into bed.
I need my rest for tomorrow; we have another long day ahead.
Sleep starts to overtake me, I almost drift away,
Then it seems a vision takes me to another time and another day.
maat gma
My companion let out a grumble, “It’s 6:30 already? No way!”
I’m standing alone on a hill, the view is very nice;
A man walks towards me and says, “My name is Jesus Christ.”
Tears of joy well up inside, I fall down to His feet.
“Arise,” he states,” follow me to the shade – you and I need to speak.”

My attention’s towards my Savior, total and complete.
He says, “Your mission is similar of what happened to me,
I understand how you feel, I know what you’re going through;
In fact, it would be fair to say I felt the same as you.”

“I even know how you felt when no one listened to you.
At times I felt not quite sure what else that I could do.
I know you don’t like to bike, for you a car would be sweet;
Just remember the donkey I rode wasn’t equipped with 21 speeds.”

“I understand you don’t like sweating. In fact, it’s something you hate;
When I sweat blood from every pore, oh the agony was great!
I see you don’t like your companion – you’d rather have someone else;
I remember my companion Judas, he sold my life for wealth.”

“It’s hard to wear a helmet and have people make fun of you,
Much like when they put thorns on my head and called me Kingof the Jews.
So you feel burdened down by the weight of your pack;
I recall how heavy the cross was when they slammed it on my back.”

“Your hands hurt from tracting and knocking on doors all day,
I guess when they pounded nails into mine, I ached in a similar way.
It’s hard not to hear from home when your family’s not there to see;
I lost communication on the cross and cried, ‘Father, why hast thou
forsaken me?’”

“We have a lot in common, but there’s a difference between us you see,
I endured to the end and finished my mission, so follow and do like me.”
He embraced me with His arms, His light filled me with His love.
With tears in my eyes I watched as He ascended back to the father above.

I stood with awe and wonder when a beep rang in my head.
Listening, I heard the alarm, and realized I was in my bed.
My companion let out a grumble, “It’s 6:30 already? No way!”
I sat up and said, “Come on, I’ll even carry your scriptures today.”

No matter what we go through, when we feel we can’t take more,
Just stop and think about Jesus Christ. He's waiting at the door.

Anyone who has served or is currently serving a mission can relate to
the feelings of that young missionary in the poem. I am so grateful
for our Savior who know exactly how we feel. I also was asked to bare
my testimony for the last time to my zone. It is such a strange
feeling, but I'm truly grateful for that opportunity.

Friday we had a few lessons and actually over booked so we didn't have
time for dinner, thankful the Endsley's, who were our last appointment
ordered Chinese food to share with us! I am grateful for the little
things. There are tender mercies all around us!

Saturday and Sunday we had General Conference! It was such a blessing
to hear the words of the Prophet, Apostles and other General
Authorities. I know that they are truly called of God. They speak the
words that Christ would have us hear. I wish I had time to share with
you all the things I learned and loved. I think the most important
things I can share with you is that I know with out a doubt that
Thomas Spencer Monson is God's Prophet here on the earth. There is no
reason God would not send us a prophet today. We need him more than
ever. I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father. I know that He
wants to help us and has given us the tools to return to live with him

Two things to take away from my email:

1. Go watch Meet The Mormons on Oct 10th and 11th and after those dates as well.
2. Go to and listen and read the Conference Addresses if you
didn't have the opportunity to watch them.

Sister Davis

Monday, September 29, 2014

September 29 2014

Another wonderful week in North Las Vegas!
We actually see some pretty crazy things go down in our area.
Since I'll be out of here in just a few weeks I will share some of the
There have been 2 murders, a man hunt, schools were on lock down until
6pm, CSI in real life, a mob of skaters running down the road, a giant
hip hop dance routine preformed in a driveway,bullet holes in cars,
and many more crazy "This is North' moments... Nothing to be worried
about though.

Monday we had a YSA in our ward come out with us. His name is Logan
and he just got home a couple months ago from serving his mission in
Africa. We met a few people with him and we were able to have a lesson
with the Todd's, their less active/ part-member family neighbors. IT
was great we talked about prayer and how no matter what our worry or
question is it is important to our Heavenly Father! I know that that
is so true! We saw a few other families and had great messages with
them as well.

Tuesday we had another great district meeting about the power of
receiving revelation through the Book of Mormon! We were able to apply
what we learn immediately after as we met with Sister Mundy. She was
struggling with how much longer she should trust in the Lord or if she
need to do more on her own to solve her problems. She asked point
blank where in the Book of Mormon was her answer! The Spirit
immediately brought to my mind Mosiah 24: 10-18. We read that together
verse by verse and she received by the Spirit exactly what the Lord
wanted her to know. It was powerful! I love the Book of Mormon. We
also had lunch with Sister Holyoak! She loves us and wanted to  have
us over again! It was great! Sister Olive came out with us to see our
investigator Angel. Sister Olive helped Angel to pray. It was so
sweet! Later that night we had Brother Fonatno come to a lesson with
Brother Garcia. We talked about The Gospel of Jesus Christ. We
compared sin to a pit and the gospel to a ladder that is firm and
constant. Christ is there to help us up each rung of the ladder. We
can get out of any pit with Christ and His gospel!

Wednesday we were on exchanges! I stayed in our area with Sister
Tumanovu, form Samoa. It was great to have her here. We met with a guy
named Brent! He was taught by the Elders. He knew so much about church
history and the Book of Mormon. But after talking with him for a few
minutes it sounded like he had got into some anti literature and had
some false information presented to him. We were able to clear up some
concerns. We set up to come back and begin teaching him again. He has
a lot of potential! We also met the Mixon's, a  less active/
part-member family in our ward. They were in tears as we shared a
message with them about our Heavenly Father's love. We are going to
work with them and bring them back to the fold! Our last appointment
was with Gloria. It was so sad, because she and the girls love coming
to church, but won't read or keep any of their commitments. We can't
keep working with them if they aren't doing their part. Usuallly
coming to church is the hardest thing for people, but for them it is
just doing everything else.

Thursday both Sister Swerdfeger and I woke up not feeling very good! I
had a bad headache and she had a cold. We were able to go to a few
appointments, but Sister Swerd was just getting more and more sick. We
met with a  less active/ part-member family, the Demille's. Brother
Demille was so sweet and we talked a little bit with him, his wife on
the other hand was pretty rude. But we met people who are rude to us
everyday, so it doesn't really bother us much. Then we met with
Lakenna, who was taught by other missionaries. We read 2 Nephi 32 with
her and had a great discussion. She will hopefully be able to meet
with us more consistently  We had a really late dinner appointment
with a part-member family. The grandma wants us to teach her about the
gospel. We have an appointment set up for next week and we are so

Friday Sister Swerd was really sick! Brother Demille called us to
apologize for his wife and said she would love to have us over again.
He said she was just having a bad day, but thanked us over and over
again for coming over. It was really nice. We were in most the day and
I read a lot of the Book of Mormon. I am trying to finish it before I
finish my full time mission. I have to read 8 pages a day! It is going
great! The Spirit is so strong has I read from each page. We went out
at night to a few appointments and were cut in a crazy flash flood! It
was terrible! We were soaked and no one opened the door./ Even people
we had appointments with, whom we knew were home.

Saturday we met with a few different people but the highlight was the
General Relief Society Broadcast! I loved it! It was so inspiring! I
can't wait to attend the Temple more often then every 3 months, it is
just not enough! I love the analogy shared by President Dieter F.
Uchdorf. He shared that Heavenly Father pours blessings on us like
rain constantly, but some of us but an umbrella up to block them out.
We do that through disobedience and pride. I never want to block out
Heavenly Father's blessings!! Not ever!

Sunday we had the annual Primary Program for both of our wards! It was
so great! I really did feel the Spirit as each child shared their
testimony of Families. Even through the hilarious children screaming
the primary songs I still could feel the Savior's love. It was great!

I am so excited for General Conference this next week! I want to
personally invite all of you to write down a few questions, pray about
them, and then take notes during General Conference and  see your
questions be answered through the Spirit and the words of the
Prophet's and Apostles. I know that Heavenly Father answers those who
seek His direction. You can listen to Conference on and at
local LDS Church Buildings. I know that you will feel the Spirit!

I am so grateful for this gospel and to be able to share it with
others! I love you all! I hope you will feel and see Heavenly Father's
blessings this week!

Sister Davis