Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 27 2014

Hellloooo loved ones!
WOW! I've never emailed on Tuesday before! But I spent from 10:30am-5:30pm in the ER yesterday! Sister Barth is having terrible stomach pains. I promise I am not poisoning my companions! What are the odds though?! This has just been a really crazy month! Thank goodness it is almost over!!!
So, last Monday we had a the great opportunity to share our Book of Mormon challenge with a few members. It is amazing how many people have friends that they would like to give copies of the Book of Mormon too, but they just need us to invite them. I am really excited to see what happens in the next few weeks. We then met up with the other Boulder City Sister to do an exchange! I am the Sister Trainer Leader (STL) now and so I am in charge of the exchanges with several sets of sisters! It is a little stressful, but so much fun!!!
Tuesday, Sister Eagar was here in Black Canyon with me! We saw some really great miracles! We had our Relief Society President with us this morning at 10am! We had no appointments and one of the last house we tried was a lady named Brandi! She has never let us in and always blows us off, but today she let us right in! She shared with us all of these horrible things she has had to endure in her life! It breaks my heart! I know it is hard on our Heavenly Father to see His children suffer.  We talked to so many people throughout the day! Brother Hess came out with us for the first time. He is in his 30's and his daughters and his wife come out all the time. He is just so busy! But what made our time with him out even more exciting is that he never served a mission and so this was is first time ever with missionaries! We taught a couple for the first time and he was teary as he shared his testimony! It was amazing! We also met one of his buddy's while he was with us and Kurt, his friend, wants us to teach him at Brother Hess' home!! So many miracles!!!! I love exchanges! And sharing the gospel!!!
Wednesday we saw Lou, our German investigator, with Brother Caldwell and Kyle, a 12 year old in our ward. It was the best lesson we have had so far! We read in the Book of Mormon and after 2-3 verses we would show him a picture and read a caption about what was going on. We left him with this story book to help him read side by side! He really enjoyed what was said by Kyle and Brother Caldwell! It was wonderful! We also met with a few other people and had a great dinner with Bishop's family! I love Wednesdays because we always stop by the church during mutual to set up having the youth come out with us! It is the best!
Thursday we met with Sister Calvert, a lady who just had her leg amputated. She shared with us how grateful she is for the things she has in her life and it was so inspiring! She is such a happy lady for everything that she has gone through! We had a great experience with Zach, an 18 year old in our ward. We were walking down Wyoming Street and we saw this lady sitting outside on the corner. Her name was Gina. We visited with her a little bit and we could just tell she was prepared for the gospel. She told us she was baptized Baptist, raised Pentecostal, and her father was Catholic. She said "I don't know what religion I am, but I know Jesus Christ died for my sins." It was a simple but powerful statement. She allowed us to say a prayer with her there on the side of the road. We set up to go back and see her later. It was truly a blessing to meet her. Later we had dinner with a young family in our ward, the Benson's. They have 5 kids from ages 10-5weeks. We shared our Book of Mormon Challenge with them and they LOVED it! Keefer, who's 5, asked his mom, "Who needs scriptures?" when she gave him a name of someone he could give it to his face lite up and he ran to get a pencil and began to ask his mom how to spell, "I believe in Jesus!" It was so tender! After we saw the Benson's, we went to see the Werly's and the Sargeant's two young families combined. We shared it with them as well. They were very excited! It is amazing how many miracles we are seeing! Our ward is really catching the Spirit of Missionary work!
Friday we had Sister's Conference!!! I LOVE SISTER'S CONFERENCE!!!!!! It was our last time to be gathered as Sisters with President and Sister Neider! It was so bitter sweet!! I wish you all could have seen what it is like! It is truly amazing to have over 90 Sister Missionaries gathered together! I just love being a Sister Missionary!!! There is nothing else like it! Later on we met with the Hansen's! Our ward calls them Barbie and Ken, they've just been married for a year. We shared the Book of Mormon Challenge with them and Sister Hansen was so excited! More excited then Keefer, if that's even possible?!! She wants to order more copies of the Book of Mormon, because she wants to give out sooomany! Everyone is catching the fire!!!
Saturday all of our appointments canceled, except for dinner..... all of our members that were suppose to come with us bailed... But! The greatest thing happened! We went to visit Sister Goff, a widow in our ward. She has been stuck at home for 4 weeks because she had to have surgery and she will be stuck at home for another 6 weeks or so. Last week we extended the Book of Mormon Challenge to her, and she told us she had someone in her water aerobics class she wanted to give it to, but she wouldn't see her for 6 weeks or so. We went by to see how she was! As soon is she sat down she said, "Sisters, I did it.. I gave the Book of Mormon away." WE WERE SO EXCITED! However, the story she then told us of how she gave it away was even better. She said that she had decided that this lady from her class is who she needed to give it too. She wrote her testimony in it and then decided when she saw her in 6 weeks at this class she would give it to her. Well two days after we had come by this friend called Sister Goff and asked if she could come by and bring her lunch. She did come by and Sister Goff gave her the Book of Mormon. Heavenly Father knew that Sister Goff was willing and prepared and he provided a way for her to give the Book of Mormon away without even leaving her house! It was truly inspiring!!!!
Sunday, Sister Barth spoke in Sacrament meeting! She shared part of her conversion story and the ward just loved it! One of the members offered to pay for the rest of her mission. So many people wanted us to come over and share a message with them! It was such a blessing! We met with the Tobler family after church and shared the Book of Mormon Challenge with them! Apparently the Benson's, who are the teenagers Sunday School teachers, told them that we had an awesome challenge for them, So they were super excited when we came by, which made it even more fun to share it with them!
Yesterday, Monday, we went at 8am to the Hoover Dam for a special secret tour! It was awesome!!!! They showed us places where they shot Transformers, and we went to places that only workers can go to. I juts loved it! Then Sister Barth was in so much pain that we spent the rest of the time in the ER. We had to cancel the appointments we had set and called it a night.
Today I went to an appointment with another Sister Missionary and went grocery shopping, while Sister Barth was home with another Sister. We just went up to the Family History center to email, but I have a feeling we will be inside the rest of the day/night. The joys of having a sick companion! Please send your prayers! We need them!
On a side note, my finger is out of the braces off and on. They want me to do little finger exercises with it. It is sore and hurty, but it is the least of my worries! The game that we were playing when I hurt it is called Kanakie! (Ka-Nack-ee) We play on a field and split into two teams. We kick the ball and the other team grabs it, you can run with the ball, throw it backwards or forwards. But as soon as your tagged with it or it hits the grown the other team gets the ball and you run the other way. I'm not sure if that explanation makes since! But it is So fun!!!
Well that is my week + 2 extra days! I hope you all have a great week! Remember "this" (sharing the gospel) isn't another thing to do, it is the ONLY thing to do! Share it all the time and share with me your experiences!!! This is why we are here! XOXO!
Sister Davis

Monday, May 19, 2014

May 19 2014

WOW! What a week!
Monday as you know I hurt my finger.. well.. I went to see a doctor in our area and he said I tore some ligaments in my finger! I will have this silly brace on it for at least a month and he said it won't be fully healed for about 4 months.. my career as a professional morning sporter is over... We got to go to the Werly Mines as a district! You've got to google this place!!! There are so many movies and album covers shot here!! It is amazing!!! It was a blast!!!
Tuesday I picked up my new companion! Sister Barth! She is from Maryland! She's been on her mission for 14.5 Months! She has been a member of the church for a little over 2 years!!! Her testimony is so strong it will knock you off your seat! She is amazing and she told me she actually prayed to come to Boulder City! Heavenly Father answers prayers! It has been so nice to have a companion! Last week was so rough! We just hit the ground running when she got here! We had an awesome lesson with a girl Taylor, whom I taught for the first time last Sunday. She is already on chapter 7 of the Book of Mormon! We talked a little more about the scriptures and set up to meet with her tomorrow! We also saw Caitlyn and we were able to share a scripture with her and her step-dad Tev, who is really interested in learning more about the church. Tev says he just feels so drawn to learn! We saw a few members and introduced Sister Barth to the Bishop! It was such a good first day together!
Wednesday we had a wonderful district meeting! We taught so many lessons! Taylor has read to chapter 15! She loves the Book of Mormon! I do too! We went to Mutual with the youth tonight to introduce Sister Barth! Everyone loves her! We were able to set up a lot of lesson and have people to come out with us! We are so excited for this new transfer! It is going to be powerful! Bishop shared with us that when we went over last night and shared a spiritual thought, that after we left his daughter Lizzie, who's 13, was just sobbing. She felt the Spirit so strong and is so excited to have us together in this ward! I am too!!!
Thursday we had even more lessons! Things are really moving here!! We had a great lesson with Lou, who is from Germany! He is really struggling with reading the Book of Mormon, but he really wants to understand it! He is so awesome! I just love him! We also saw the Newport family, who we have been trying to teach! They are so sensitive to the spirit! They love the Book of Mormon!!! I love seeing their eyes light up as we teach them!! The gospel really does bless our families!!
Friday we went to an old lady luncheon that our ward puts on once a month! It was fun to see them and have them meet Sister Barth! When we went back to our apartment to finish our weekly planning we discovered that it was 88 degrees! Our AC went out!!!! We were dying but after a few phone calls we were able to get it all fixed! Man oh man! Was it hot!! We were able to see Mikalina, who was taking the lesson and then went MIA on us! It was her birthday! Her mom gave me a cute elephant bracelet and told us to come back! They missed having us around and I hope we will get to teach her more!!
Saturday was SO Hot! We walked so much! I don't know how I survived last year or how I will live through this Summer! It is so hot! We had some good visits with members! We have started a BOOK OF MORMON CHALLENGE! We share a little message and then give each member a copy of the Book of Mormon and challenge them to share their testimony and the book with someone who needs it! The ward is so excited!! I know we will see many miracles from this challenge! I challenge y'all to try it out! And see miracles unfold in front of you!
Sunday was wonderful! We had meetings in the morning and a great time at church! After our studies we went to dinner at the Birds and then Sister Morris took us to the Why I Believe Fireside! We brought Taylor with us! Bishop Taggard shared his conversion story and it was so powerful! I love the Spirit that is felt there! I was able to see my ward mission leader from Quail Ridge and a few members. I also saw Justin!! My ward mission leader from Robindale and members of that ward as well! It was so so fun! Carlos was there! It is always good to see him! He's my favorite! I love him so much!!!
Overall this has been a week of miracles! Heavenly Father truly is aware of us! I was reading this week in the Book of Mormon in Alma chapter 37 verse 41.. it says "Nevertheless, because those miracles were worked by small means it did show unto them marvelous works.." I know that miracles happen because of our faith and the small choices we make each day! Choose the right and see the blessing that will follow! I love my Savior and the Gospel of Jesus Christ! It is true! It is restored! It will, can, and does bless all of our lives! SHARE IT!
Sister Davis

Monday, May 12, 2014

May 12 2014

Howdy from BC!
This will be a very short email, because this morning I was playing Kanackie (football/ultimate frisbee game) and I jammed/may have broken my left pointer finger... It hurts sooo bad! And therefore it is super hard to type!!! Plus, though this week has been very strange and semi eventful it really can be summarized in 2 words.. NO COMPANION. That's right Sister Mawby was sent back to Oklahoma on Tuesday. But let's start with Monday.
Monday we were still at the mission home. President gave me permission to go out with some other sisters, so I called Sister Tucker and Sister Pantoja in the QUAIL RIDGE WARD! They were so good to me and picked me up that night to go out with them for 3 hours. We had dinner with our Recent Convert Ashley and her husband Tim! They are so wonderful! Then prior to me getting picked up Brother Jones, whom I just love so much, called the sisters and said, "I just really feel like you sisters need to come over tonight, do you think you could stop by?" Of course they said Yes! And when they told him that I would be with them he knew it was the Spirit prompting him to have us there. So we went by and visited with them. Brother Jones gave me a really sweet blessing and then the 3 of us missionaries all bore our testimonies it was just what I needed! Then our last stop was to David and Amanda! I couldn't not see them! They gave me a ride back to the mission home and we were able to catch up on our lives! They are my favorites!! It was such a blessing to be back in QRidge for a few hours! Heavenly Father really helped me feel comforted.
Tuesday morning Sister Mawby was suppose to go to a specialist.. But she and the mission president decided to that she should go home. So we drove back to Boulder City to pack and clean! at 1:30pm the Mission President called us and told us that I needed to drive her to the airport and that her flight was to leave at 3pm! We were not expecting that to happen so fast! I drove her to the airport and didn't even have a chance to say goodbye! Then President and I drove back to the mission office to drop off her bike. I was doing my best to hold it together! Then I was given a package from my Trainer, Sister Cardenas! TENDER MERCY! President asked me to drive back to Boulder City ALL BY MYSELF! So on the 30 minute drive alone, I cried and cried! I met up with the sisters in Boulder and cried with them.. Then off to serve it was.. I had to make some phone calls to members of the ward informing them of what was happening. Bishop Taggard arranged for members to bring my mattress from the apartment to the others sister apartment, so that I wouldn't have to sleep on an air mattress for a week. I made a lot of calls and have members to come out with me for about 4-6 hours everyday, the other times I will be with the other sisters, Sister Eagar and Sister Hope! I LOVE THEM!
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday I was out with members visiting potentials, teaching some lessons, carrying the load, praying for miracles, overall it was a great learning experience! I know that I can do anything, because I survived these days without having any meltdowns!
Sunday - MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!! - visitmormon.org/motherhood - there is an amazing video there!! I went to the Black Canyon ward all by myself! I sat with the Hess and Bird family in Sacrament meeting and went to help Sister Bird in primary after that! It was really fun! The Bird's adopted me for the day and I went to their home for lunch and then FaceTimed with my amazing family! It was so great to see their faces and hear their stories!! I can't believe that was the last time I will see them until I am back in Houston at the airport coming home! Time is flying so fast, but I am grateful for every moment!
I wish I could write more, but it just is too hard on my little finger! I love you all so much! I am so grateful for this gospel and how it changes our lives. Christ Gospel is back! We can all be apart of it! And we can have a witness from the Spirit for ourselves as we pray! I grateful for prayer and for the Book of Mormon! I know that this is exactly where I am needed!! I hope you all have a wonderful week!! XOXO!
Sister Davis

Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5 2014

Why Hello Hello!!

I can't even begin to tell you how odd this week has been!

Monday we went to the Famous Pirate House here in Boulder City! A member told me it was on YouTube and has been HGTV. So try looking up "Boulder City Pirate House" Let me know if you find it! This was the coolest trip our District has ever been on! I would love to come back and rent a room at this house. There were so many pools and water slides. It truly was undesirable! You'll have to see for yourself! It is worth well over $20 MILLION! It has the original Pirates of the Caribbean electronic people from Disney World! We just had a ball there! We had a great lesson with our investigator Anna-Lee! We also had another great Monday Night Activity!! I just love PDAYS!!!!

Tuesday was pretty packed! We had a great lesson with Sister Shattler! We practiced the first lesson with her and the spirit was so sweet there! Afterwards,, we went to serve a member who's father had just passed away. We organized a closet for her so that she could have room for her children to stay with her for the funeral. We also visited with a less active family. I really can't explain via email how "interesting" our visit was. That is a story for another time. We taught Carolyn, our 17year old investigator, about the Plan of Happiness! She loved it! She said how much it mad sense and answered the questions she has! It was so amazing! I love sharing this plan with my brothers and sisters! We also taught the Plan of Salvation to the Lopan's, they are our grandparents here in BC! I don't know what I would do without them! 

Wednesday we gad 4 AMAZING lessons while we had 4 different AMAZING members! First Sister Hess came with us to teach Jenny! We talked more about the Book of Mormon and about church! It was so great! She is so excited to read and learn more! She "feels" so right, she says! I love the Spirit and how it bares testimony of truth! We then took Brad, a 14 year old boy in our ward, to meet Anna Lee and we taught her the Plan of Salvation! It was wonderful she is such a doll! Then we took Kennedy, Brad's older sister, came with us to teach John! We met him the day before and gave him the Restoration Pamphlet. When we went back he had read half of the pamphlet. We taught him the first lesson. He had some interesting comments. But the best part was when he looked at us and said, "Wow! My knee isn't hurting. It always hurts! But since you girls came it hasn't hurt at all!" What a neat experience to bare testimony to him of the power of the Spirit! I know that Heavenly Father was helping him know that what we were sharing could and would bless his life forever! We then had Brother Graff come with us to see Carolyn and we read in the Book of Mormon with her! She is such gem! We also saw a lady in our ward Sister Warner, and shared a scripture with her. I shared Alma 5:33 "Behold, he sendeth an invitation unto all men, for the arms of mercy are extended towards them, and he saith: Repent, and I will receive you." She was so touched by this scripture and the testimonies that we bore! She asked us to write down the scripture so she could send it to her daughter who is struggling. I love when we are able to share exactly what the people need to here! I love being an instrument in the Lord's hands! 

Thursday saw John again and read a little in the Book of Mormon. I know he has a desire to learn and come closer to the Savior, but something is holding him back from really enjoying all of the blessings! He always does everything we ask had way, literally! He only reads half of the pamphlet or half of the chapter. It is really quite strange. Hopefully we can really get through to him! Today along with having Payton, a 14 year old young women. We also had Zach who is 17 and Jackson who is 14 with us! I love having the youth with us! They remind me of my awesome siblings and they keep the work fun! We had the greatest lesson with Jenny, her daughter Ruby who's 10 and her son Earl who's 13! Olivia is Ruby's best friend. We read the first 12 verses of the Book of Mormon with them. Olivia stopped at verse 12 which reads, "And it came to pass that as he read, he was filled with the Spirit of the Lord." and bore the most beautiful testimony. She has been reading in the Book of Mormon everyday and shared that she has truly felt the Spirit of the Lord more in her life as she's read. It was amazing and so powerful coming for her 10 year old self. I was blown away!

Sister Mawby has been having sharp pains in her abdomen for about 3 weeks.Tonight was the worse they have ever been and mission medical asked me to take her to the ER. It was about 8:30pm. We stopped by the Birds to give her a blessing and Sister Bird drove us to the ER. Boulder City has one 2 mins away from us so we went there. There was no other patients and the ER so they took her right in. 3 hours later we got some results back from the tests and nothing seemed to be wrong. They gave her some prescriptions and we went on our way.

Friday we had a big Zone Training Meeting, it was alright. Sister Mawby and I were so tired it was difficult! We got some medicine in her after the meeting and she didn't feel any better. We had a couple of appointments set up for that night, so I had the responsibility of finding members for her to stay with and for finding members to come and teach with me. It was so stressful and so last minute. Everyone was busy it seemed like, but the Caldwells and Lopans and Graffs pulled through for us! Sister Graff came out with me and we had to really great lessons and found 2 new investigators! It was a miracle and a blessing!! 

Saturday I stayed with Sister Mawby and looked after her. Later that night we were invited to a special dinner with us, the Mission President and his wife, the Temple President, and his wife, Elder Southword of the seventy, and the Stake High Counselors and their wives. Sister Mawby and I both did not want to miss this. No other missionaries were invited! We went, but Sister Mawby was not feeling well at all. When we got back to our apartment that night mission medical called and said that if she wasn't feeling better by tomorrow then I should take her to a different ER for further testing.

Sunday morning came bright and early! Before we knew it we were off for ER Trip #2! Bishop Taggard's wife took us this time. More tests and hours later, still no sign of what the problem is. They gave her more medicine to take but didn't know what to tell us. Many members had heard of our adventures and were calling and texting! They are all so good to us! We had 2 different members bring homemade chicken noodle soup over. We also received ginger ale and fruit and lots of other little things. It was so great to feel the love our ward has for us! We received a call from President and Sister Neider and they invited us to stay the night at the mission home. So last night at about 9:40pm we drove into Vegas to stay with the Neiders. They are taking such good care of us and I know that the Lord is very aware of the trials we are facing! I know he will take care of us, because we are His precious daughters and his faithful servants.

All your prayers and love are felt! I know that I have been called of God! I know He is with me and I pray each day that you will feel of His love in your life! This Gospel is true! We do have a Prophet that leads and guides us! I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon, it has given me so much strength and comfort these past few days! I love the Lord! He lifts my burdens!

Sister Davis