Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24 2014

BOULDER CITY! I've always wondered what it would be like to live in a small town.. I am learning very quickly what it is like! Everyone here knows everyone! And they don't just know everyone they are related to everyone! It is really confusing! But I am starting to catch on!
I have officially come to the realization and understand that Heavenly Father places me in areas that are full of weeds and that are struggling to stay alive. I am here to prune the garden, nurture the tree and prepare it for someone else to harvest. That is a hard thing to accept, but I am grateful that my Savior and Father trust me enough to be on my knees and build an area up! I know that He has prepared me each and every time to have the tools I need to grow my faith and to build each area that I serve in!
Black Canyon is known as the smallest ward in the United States of America! The only reason it is not a branch is because there are too many men holding the priesthood. They call our ward "Newly Wed or Nearly Dead!" Because that is all that it consists of! Crazy! It is so different then anything I have ever seen! The streets here our "Avenue A" through "Avenue K" and "5th Street" to "9th Street". They also have streets named.. "Georgia" "New Mexico" California" and Utah" So weird!
When I came to this area they had two investigators, no member support, no ward mission leader, no organization, no nothin! It was really overwhelming my first day! But the Lord is truly blessing us and miracles are happening left and right!
Last Monday was my last night in Quail Ridge! I was able to say goodbye to a few people that I have grown to love so much! Sister Tucker and I also taught some really crucial lesson together before I left. We taught Maddie and Dustin the Law of Chastity and explained that in order for Dustin to be baptized they either have to have separate places or get married. We explained that they would need to Repent for this mistake that they made. Sister Tucker called me later this past week and told me that they have decided to get married! I am SO happy for them!! Later on the same night we taught Chermayne the Word of Wisdom! She accepted it full heartily and is so excited to continue to learn and be baptized! Sister Tucker also told me later this week that Chermaybe will be getting Baptized this Saturday March 1st at 11am! You are all invited to come!! 411 Valle Verde! I am so stocked for her!
Tuesday I didn't meet up with Sister Area until about 3pm. So I was able to say a few more goodbyes and make the hand off of Quail Ridge to Sister Pantoja who is now serving there. Man goodbyes as a missionary are so hard!! Boulder City is about 30 mins away from my last area, plus with traffic it takes a little longer. I got all moved in sorta! It was so hard to leave and to realize I was coming to an area that had nothing. But I took it as a project that Heavenly Father was giving me. And we all know how much I LOVE projects!
Wednesday I really tried to hit the ground running! There were lots of ideas that had been establish here that are not in line with my missionary standards or the standards of the mission as a whole. It is taking sometime to repair and train the members that we will not be spending an hour at their house at a time just visiting! I was able to meet quite a few members. We also taught a lady named Wanda. She is 88 years old, kinda stuck in her way, but open to having us teach her! Miracles! We found a new investigator! Later we had dinner with the Toblers! Greatest Family! They have 3 boys, one on a mission. They are so loving and fun!! Later Sister Area and I were asked to give a training on "How to Prepare for a Mission!" to the youth in another ward. The other missionaries here in Boulder City gave other trainings and we had a rotation, four for 15 min each! It was so great! We really taught pretty well together. It was a lot of fun!
Thursday was a full day! We were able to do some service for a lady in our ward who need help painting her window frames! I miss painting! It was really therapeutic! Later I met an investigator named Emily, she is 12 years old and her dad is less active. We read the intro of the Book of Mormon with her! She loved it and expressed how much fun she has just randomly opening up the scriptures and reading different verses! She says she really is able to apply what she reads to her own life! We also had a lesson with a 13 year old girl, named Caitlyn. Her mom is less active and she was taught by Elders before. However things got kinda weird, because she started crushing on the Elders so they switched her to us. We watched Finding Faith in Christ with her and her mom. They enjoyed it and we are planning to meet with them this week. I met the Bishop tonight. His name is Bishop Taggard! He moved into the ward in October and was called to be the Bishop in November! Crazy! They are a really sweet family! His two focuses are Missionary Work and the Youth! I am really excited to work with him!

Friday we had District Meeting! It was great to get to know my new district! It was a great training and we all went out to eat at A&W afterwards - So Fun! I met a couple named Joe and Teresa, whom the Sisters had taught about a month ago. They mostly want to teach us.. so it isn't that great, but we invited to come to fast and testimony meeting in March so we will see how they like that! Later on we were walking to visit our new investigator Wanda when we met Brother Swoope.. apparently he is a member of the church but hasn't been since he was a young man, he's 68 now. He was smoking on his porch and we visited with him for a moment. He told us that in the past year his wife, mother, and then girl friend all died. He expressed is sadness and anger. He said we could come back by to see him anytime he was out in his yard. I have truly seen and recognized that everyone has such huge trails and I am so grateful for the ones I have. I know, however, that the gospel can heal all of our wounds. He told us that he thinks he needs counseling. I testified that the Book of Mormon is the best counseling! We invited him to start reading the first chapter! I am so excited to see him again! We met with Wanda afterwards and Sister Area was so enthusiastic as we shared the Book of Mormon with her! She is excited to read it! We saw Emily again tonight. Her dad sat in and it was a pretty rough lesson. She has a lot of anger towards her family and it definitely showed as her dad made comments regarding the scriptures and her desire to be baptized. We really aren't sure what her main concern is, but we hope to find that out soon. We had such a miracle this evening! Mikalina has been attending another ward, but has never learned about the church. Her mom is starting got show interest so we are making a transition to our ward. We taught Mikalina who is 10 years old and her mom about the Restoration. They really loved it! Mikalina wants to be baptized and serve a mission like us! She says that this is the only church she has been to that actually makes sense. Her mom wants her to wait to be baptized so that she knows she is doing it for the right reasons! After our lesson with them we went down their street to see the Slacks, who just happen to know Tamara and Mikalina pretty well. We invited them to take them to church on Sunday and work on fellow shipping them more! Blessings!
Saturday the Elders were having a Baptism and we invited Mikalina to come and see what it was like! She loved it!! We gave her a church tour afterwards and was so excited to come to church with us on Sunday!! She is so precious! She already is beginning to read the Book of Mormon! We also met with an older man named Starr. He is less active, and has a lot of doubts. We taught him the Restoration and we were really able to help understand a few things! I really love the quote by President Dieter F. Uchdoft "Doubt your doubts, before you doubt your Faith!" We are hoping to help him pray and talk with Heavenly Father about some of these troubles he has. We had weekly planning today and we were able to organize a lot of our area.. It was such a blessing! I feel so much better now that we have a plan for our area!
Sunday we went to Ward Council.. It was great to meet more people in our ward, but honestly there are so many old people, they all look alike! That is why I love referring to everyone as Brother or Sister! You can never go wrong with that! Mikalina and Emily came to church and loved it! Gwynn Miller, a young women in our ward brought her friend Audry with her! Audry wants to be baptized and learn about the church!! We are meeting with her tonight! A new ward mission leader was called today! Brother Stubbs! (not to be confused with the three other Brother Stubbs who are also in our ward... I told you... Everyone is related) Brother Stubbs is awesome! He is a real get it done type of guy! We are so excited! We had a ward correlation meeting with him tonight with our 3 other ward missionaries! Yes there is only 3... our ward is so small! We are so excited for the work to pick up with his support! The Sisters hadn't had a correlation meeting in three months prior to tonight! This really is a blessing and a miracle for us! We met with Emily today and we went for a walk. She opened up to us and told us about things that have gone on in her past that she has never shared with anyone before. She has been through a physical and emotional roller coaster in her short 12 years. Nothing is stable in her life, but change and heartache! It breaks my hear!
Over all though, I am excited for this project that is in front of me! Sister Area is a great support! She is from Kentucky and has been out on her mission for 4 and half months! She has a great Spirit about her and we both have a lot of motivation to get things done!
I hope you all have a wonderful week! You are in my thoughts and prayers! I love you so much! Keep smiling! Remember when life gets to hard to stand KNEEL!
Sister Davis 

Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17 2014

Hello Family & Friends!!!

Another week has just flown by! Another transfer is over! Another mission month has arrived! I have been out 10 Months today! That just amazes me! If the next 8 months go as fast as the last I won't even have time to blink! Hold on to your seat belts! This is going to be a fast roller coaster ride!
We were able to see Dustin and Maddie everyday this week! They are really growing in the gospel! 

Last Monday we were able to see Chermayne! She is doing so great! We were able to teach about the importance of going to church, praying, and reading the scriptures, aka CPR! She really wants to be more dedicated to reading her scriptures! She has found a lot of peace today!
Tuesday we had a great day! We Jacob came out with us to find people! It was great! We walked so much, by the time we were home for the night my legs were like jelly! We had dinner with Tim and Ashley! They just moved into our ward and Ashley is not a member, we taught about prayer and are going back next week to teach the first lesson! They are super sweet!
Wednesday! We taught Chermayne the 10 commandments and the Law of Chastity! She LOVED it! She really is hold tight to the truths she is learning! She feels so much peace! And is so confident in her desire to be baptized! We also started to heart-attack people that needed some extra love! There were a lot of people who needed our love!
Thursday! We had the sweetest  experience as we went to visit to less actives, the Burns. Sister Burns told us this very exaggerated story about two angels that came and left hearts allllllllll over their door with scriptures on them. She called the relief society president and the high council representative and no one knew who did it, but they all told her she was very special to have that happen to her! She asked if we did it we told her no, but that maybe the young women did it!

Friday was Valentine's Day!  This was one of my favorite days of my mission ever! We heart attacked tons of people! Some people guessed that it was us, others are still wondering!!! It was fun to go around like little cupids and leave love on peoples doors!!!! Then we had an amazing dinner with Sister Jones! She is so wonderful! She made it such a special occasion! After dinner we went to Chermayne's and had a lesson! We read Lehi's Dream with her and it was a lesson filled with the spirit. We were all crying. She expressed her gratitude for the hearts we left on her door and for how much she cared about us!
Saturday we started off the day with Service. We played with some dirt and then we raked some leaves!!!! It was great to get a little dirty. Nobody here lets us do service so it is nice to actually have somebody say "hey sisters will you help us do this?" Often times we make up our own service! Then after service we got our Transfer Doctrine! Jacob said he would go less active if I left..
Sunday was WOW!!!! Quail Ridge Ward is the best :) When they found out that I was leaving and they were so sad!!! Everyone crowded me and gave me hugs and encouragement. We sang in Sacrament Meeting with the Laurels. We sang "As Sisters in Zion" but to the words that Janice Capp Perry created for Sister Missionaries! It was powerful! I looked out into the congregation and saw so many faces that I love. Dustin and Chermayne were there. There were also many families that have not been out to church in a while that were there. I just wanted to cry tears of joy as I looked at each of their I had to just concentrate on the music. Then we had a wonderful Gospel Principles lesson on the Final Judgement. David started off by reviewing the Plan of Happiness! That was so inspired! I think it helped our investigators a lot and it gave them a review.
Well you probably figured out that I am leaving Quail Ridge tomorrow! Such a hard move! I am also leaving Las Vegas! I am going to Boulder City! Everyone says that I will love it! It is supposedly one of the safest cities in the country! There is no gambling or building allowed, super small town! I will give you more details next week! It is so hard to leave a place that I have grown to love so much! But I am glad that it is hard because to me that means I really put my all into the work here! I gave everything I had and now it is time to serve in another part of the Lord's vineyard.
Love you! Choose the Right! 

Sister Davis  

Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10 2014

What a week! What a week! Mine was so great!! How was yours?!
It has been a blur of lessons with Matt (we saw him everyday :)..... twice a day), exchanges, revelation, preparing for the baptism, and stake conference! We also have a new mission challenge from our mission president to read all of preach my gospel before the new president comes in July. Sister Tucker and I are starting in the middle and reading a chapter a week! WE ARE SO EXCITED!
Monday we saw Matt and had a short, but powerful lesson about prayer! This was an important week for him, so we wanted to make sure that he went to his knees for help! I love what Gorden B. Hinckley says, "When life gets to hard to stand, kneel!" I know that is true! We were able to also meet with Dustin & Maddie, and read a little in the Book of Mormon. They are such a cute family and I know that this gospel will bless their lives so much! We had dinner with a couple in our ward, the Honeycutt's! Sister Honeycutt is so great! She is the one who gave us the Christmas tree! She has been sending Sister Tucker and I cards every couple weeks! She is so great! We also dropped by Chermayne's apartment! She went to church on the way other side of town with some friends she works with, and really enjoyed it! She is excited to come on Sunday with us!! We had to rush to meet with some other sisters to go on an exchange, and switch companions for the night/next day!
Tuesday Sister Hill and I were here in Quail Ridge! It was a pretty great day! We met with Matt in the morning to read with him and then that night we were able to see him and talk about faith! He is so excited for Saturday and is truly living the gospel! It's amazing to see his change! We also were able to have a prayer with an 82 year old lady named June, who lives in the apartment under some less actives in our ward.  It's always interesting to talk to the older people. They have lots of interesting stories!
Wednesday we read with Matt and later had a great lesson about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, reviewing Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End! We used those eggs with the faces! It was really fun! Matt loved it! We read with Jacob, he is really trying to find out if God is really there. Hopefully the more we work with him the greater his faith will be. WE had a great lesson with Dustin & Maddie about three things.. the importance of reading  scriptures, praying, and then Dustin guessed the third was church! Brilliant! These days just seem to go by so fast! But they sure are packed full of many miracles!
Thursday we met with Matt at a member's apartment that literally is diagonal from him! He is really getting to know so many people in the ward, and they all love him. He tells us he feels like a celebrity and he doesn't know why everyone is so nice to him. We got Matt started on his Family History so he can take names to the temple! So exciting!! Afterwards we taught Dustin while Maddie was a work.. We were able to introduce him to a few members and talk about prayer and reading once more. The biggest struggle is having him consistently do these things. He recognizes they are good, but as soon as he starts to do something good he has trails that discourage him. He just needs to hold on! We also met with Jacob again, and watched Finding Faith in Christ! It was amazing!! He really liked it and loved how forgiving Christ was towards others!
Friday we had a wonderful Zone Training Meeting! The topic that were trained on was exactly what I needed to hear! We were able to get some good ideas about our area and how to continue being successful! We were able to have a great one on one lesson with Chermayne and help her overcome some concerns!

Saturday......MATT WAS BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY AND IT WAS THE BEST EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything went super smoothly and awesome! There were so many people that came out to support. It was amazing! Like 50 ward members!!!!! Incredible. There was an open house afterwards at the Ballard's! Everyone came to congratulate Matt! Sister Tucker and I talked about Baptism and The Gift of the Holy Ghost together! We used a hula-hoop to represent Matt's journey here on earth and the steps he taking to return back to Heavenly Father! Everyone LOVED it! We sang a musical number with some members! It was a tear jerker.. Joseph Smith's First Prayer to the music of Come Thou Fount... It was amazing!

Sunday we had a wonderful stake conference. It began with the new member meeting at 8:30am. President and Sister Neider were there and they were awesome! Matt was there! He is the newest member of the Green Valley Stake! Lots of new members bore there testimonies and it was really inspiring for us missionaries. Then we had a wonderful Stake meeting! The spirit was so strong!!!!! Chermayne came and she loved it! The best part was when we sang "The Spirit of God" as a stake! So powerful :) We were all crying! Then we had a wonderful lunch with Bro.& Sis. Jones!!!! It was so so so tasty!!!! For dinner we had steaks at the Klabacka's!!!! They invited their nonmember friends over too and we got to teach the first lesson to them :)
Missionary work is the best work! I love seeing the gospel impact members, nonmembers, missionaries, just everyone! The church is true! The gospel is real! It can bless our lives if we let it! I just finished reading Helman today in the Book of Mormon! It was so great, I've been learning a lot about Repentance... I feel like every chapter I've read lately in the BoM talks about Repentance. I read these scriptures today in Helaman 15:7-8  "...believe the holy scriptures, yea, the prophecies of the holy prophets, which are written, which leadeth them to faith on the Lord, and unto repentance, which faith and repentance bringeth a achange of heart unto them—Therefore, as many as have come to this, ye know of yourselves are afirm and steadfast in the faith, and in the thing wherewith they have been made free."  The scriptures truly help us to have greater faith, a desire to repent, and then truly have a change of heart, and truly, truly become more like our Father in Heaven!
Love you! Have a great week!!
Sister Davis