Monday, October 28, 2013

October 28 2013

Hey Y'all!
Wow! What a great time it is to be a live! I absolutely love being in the service of my God! I have never felt so close to my Savior. I know that we can all feel the Savior's love as we are serving those around us! This week has been an interesting one.. We were asked to contact all of the members on the "DO NOT CONTACT" list... They wanted us to find out if they still lived at those address and to see if they did want to be contacted now... Well you'll never guess what happened... ALL of these people still DO NOT want to be contacted! ...they made that very clear to us! And honestly it breaks my heart.. Because they have this precious gift, but they wish not to partake of the blessings.
I really love this scripture in 2 Timothy 3:12.. " Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." It is a comfort to know that through out all of history those who followed and lived for Christ were persecuted.. I know that I am not the first nor will I be the last! What a blessing!! It is so great "stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places" (Mosiah 18:9).
Well this week has been a little weird... First of the weird events that happened is that 5.. FIVE members cancelled their dinner appointments with us this week!! FIVE!! Crazy! ...I mean I didn't starve or anything.. But it was really a weird week..
So let me tell you about Susie! Aww! I love Susie! I told y'all about her last week! Well.. she is reading the Book of Mormon! We read with her and she reads on her own. She is super sensitive to the Spirit and has committed to prepare herself to be baptized! She has a few changes to make, but wants to change! We talked about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End. She loved it! Susie has so much faith!! She explained that she believes faith is work.. That you have to want something so bad, work for it, and then you can achieve it with faith! She has so much faith! She is working to enjoy the blessings the Lord has in store for her! Susie came to church again this week and was tearing up! It is amazing to feel the Spirit and to see the Spirit working inside of someone else! Being a missionary is the best!!!
I love you all very much! I hope you are all enjoying the end of October! Can you believe that it is going to be November this week?! That is crazy! Life is just flying by! So thankful to have the gospel in my life! Vegas is crazy and it breaks my heart to see so many people lost and confused! The most comforting thing to me is to know that the gospel can bless all of their lives!! We just have to be that light to them!
Love you! Miss you! Keep it up! You are in my prayers!!
Sister Davis

Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21 2013

Well I have to say the first week of the transfer is always a wild ride! But it is a ride I would take again and again to be in the service of my Savior. I am now serving in Quail Ridge and let me just say that I did not remember how noise a family ward was! Man oh man! It sure is different! The ages are so spread out and the area that we cover is SO small! I basically have everything memorized.. well at least the most important places!
So my mind is really scattered today, but really what's new? I have to say this week I was more homesick then ever, but not home sick for Texas.. home sick for Robindale! Robindale truly became my home these last six months and my best friends live there. I am only 15 minutes away from them, but 15 minutes has never felt so far! It is an adjustment, but I am growing a lot.
This week Sister Nilson and I taught a few different people! It was a blessing! One of the people we taught this week was Susan, not to be confused with the other 2 Susans we are also teaching... Yea it took me a little bit to get them all straight.. Anyways, this Susan has a little girl, 2 years old, named Sophie, we called her SoSo! We had dinner with her at the Barlow's home, which by the way they have 15 kids! ..Yes all from this one marriage, no adoptions...! Anyways after dinner we had a lesson and taught the Restoration of The Gospel of Jesus Christ! We also went into great detail about Jesus Christ, because she doesn't know really anything that He has done for her... She was crying as we talked to her about the Atonement! Really powerful! It was a great night! She came to church on Sunday with SoSo and stayed ALL 3 hours! Afterwards she told us that she couldn't wait to come back next week! Oh it was great!!
Also, just a random thing.. there is a guy in my ward here, David Brown, who served his mission in Atascocita Ward! So we've been able to talk about people in the ward! He's tight with the McCain's and baptized Julian Edmenson (or however you spell his name)! Crazy small world!!!
I've learned a lot this week! I know that there are some things that we can't change, but our Heavenly Father can. I know that our Savior, Jesus Christ, has His arms out stretched towards us! He wants to bless our lives, we just have to let Him! The priesthood, the power to act in God's name, is truly back on the Earth today! I received a blessing this week! And I know that the things that were said do come from Heavenly Father! He is aware of us and everyone around us! I love this gospel! I love being a missionary!
Thank you for all your love and support! XOXO!
Sister Davis

Monday, October 14, 2013

October 14 2013

Hello Family and Friends! I love love love you!
This has been an amazing week! The last week of the transfer is always full of miracles!!! I'm not sure where to start.... So I will just start with Wednesday!
Before 11am we had 7 people cancel on us!! SEVEN! Some were lessons and others were members coming out with us! It was a disaster! I couldn't believe it! We drove to our first lesson where a member was meeting us and when we pulled up the person we had the lesson with canceled! So thank goodness for back up plans!!!! We went to go see an investigator, Katie.. whom we haven't been able to see very much... When we knocked on her door a guy answered.. Michael. He told us Katie wasn't home, but he let us in to share a brief message with him!! We soon found out that Michael was Katie's new boyfriend, living with her and that he had just gotten back from being deployed! He has lost a lot of faith after seeing all that he has! He is so strong! He opened right up to us and told us many marvelous experiences he has had with God. We were able to see him on Friday also, with Katie there as well! They are going through a lot of struggles, but have been reading The Book of Mormon and finding clarity and peace. It is an amazing thing!!
Later on, on Wednesday, we went to see a less-active named JT! We visit with JT every Wednesday! He is awesome! This Wednesday, however, we didn't set an appointment with him, so we just dropped in... And that was so inspired! His cousin, Kia, just moved in with them from Cali and she will be here for 3 months... She isn't LDS so we were able to share with her our basic beliefs and gave her a Book of Mormon.. Her eyes lit up as she flipped the pages! JT bore his testimony to her, which he had never done before!! It was one of the most powerful testimonies I have ever heard! The room was just filled with The Spirit! It was truly amazing!!
Tender Mercy Thursday! This Thursday we were having dinner with a less active member! He couldn't feed us until 7pm so we agreed to wait and have dinner then... Well we confirmed the dinner appointment the night before and then when we showed up to eat dinner, after not eating anything since noon.. we find that he wasn't home and his mom didn't have a clue tat we came for dinner... We quickly left to try to find somewhere else to eat.. The Jex Family in our ward has always offered to feed us when we don't have somewhere to eat... They have two boys on missions so they love taking care of the missionaries! We went to there house.. they were excited to see us.. I said to them, "Do you happen to have some cereal?" "Yes of course" "Okay, because we didn't have dinner tonight.." "Oh well you aren't eating cereal for dinner!! Come in sit down we just made some soup!" 5 mins later we had yummy Mexican soup and ice cream to eat... As we were leaving they also gave us three boxes of cereal! They are the greatest!!!!
On Friday we spent more than 30mins of our weekly planning on our knees praying for one investigator, Amanda. We wanted to know who Heavenly Father wanted her to be fellowshipped by... We tried all different girls in our ward, but none of them felt right.. I had the idea to pray about this guy, Travis, he is leaving in December to go back to AZ, but he goes to UNLV right now and so does Amanda. Travis use to be good friends with a girl in our ward who dived on the UNLV swim and dive team.. and Amanda is on the UNLV swim team, so I thought maybe they may know each other... As soon as we prayed and asked Heavenly Father about Travis and Amanda.. Both Sister Berger and I were overcome with The Spirit. After the prayer we both talked about how we felt and both of us began to cry, because it felt so right and it had taken us so long to get that answer. We are excited to talk to Travis more about being friends with Amanda... She is very free spirited and Travis is a ranching, cowboy! Does seem like they would click as friends, but Heavenly Father knows better than us! What a Blessing!!!!
I have also started to read the New Testament with the rest of my Mission! We started 2 weeks ago and if we read 4-5 pages a day we will all finish together just in time for Christmas! I am loving reading about Christ and the miracles and parables! It is inspiring and helps me to know that with Faith ALL Things are Possible!!!
Now, I know that some of you are reading this whole letter and just waiting to see if I am getting transferred or not... Well on Thursday I hit my 6th Month Mark! And I am so grateful to have been able to spend my first 6 Months in Robindale YSA! Bishop Tuke, brother Jex, Brother Imlay, and Brother Richardson are amazing leaders in that ward. I love each one of these men and their sweet families! They have taken me under the wing and I have learned so much from them! I am also so grateful for Justin, my ward mission leader. He has made the work fun and productive! He is amazing and I am forever grateful for his example of selfless service. I am also so humbled to have met so many amazing young single independent adults! They have each changed my life and my desire to be righteous daughter of God has grown even stronger. They are truly my brothers and sisters and my best friends.
I will be serving in Green Valley Stake in the Quail Ridge Ward. It is a family ward! This will be a huge change for me! "But change is needed for more progression" that's what Sister Kriss Cardenas, my wonderful trainer says! My companion is Sister Nilson! All I know about her is that she is a visa-waiter here in Vegas and she has only been out for 1 or 2 transfers! I will have lots to learn! What a Blessing!!!
I also wanted to tell you about Brother Imlay, he was in the Robindale bishopric, but in June he was released, because he had cancer... He had a surgery and was doing great! He drove his oldest son to the MTC about 2 weeks ago.. And now has taken a turn for the worse! His cancer has spread to his liver and ribs.. Please keep the Imlay's in your prayers! They are an amazing family and my heart breaks that they have this trail.. But I know our Heavenly Father is aware of them and their needs! What a Blessing it is to have the gospel in our lives and to know that if we are sealed to our family with the proper priesthood authority in the Lord's Temple, we can be with our families forever!!! Not just death do we part!!! How amazing this gospel is! I am so grateful I can we apart of  sharing it with my brothers and sisters!
The Church is True!
Sister Davis

P.S. I will not have a new mailing address! Love reading your letters! Keep them coming! XOXO!

Monday, October 7, 2013

October 07 2013

Hello Everyone!!!
So much to say and so little time as always! Life is so great! The work is so good! I am so blessed. I feel like my mind is always so scattered as I try to relay the miracles and blessing to all of you! I am learning so much as I serve here in Las Vegas!
This past weekend was so spiritually uplifting! I loved every minute of it! General Conference truly is my favorite weekend of the year, especially as a missionary! Anyone who was not able to listen, or watch General Conference.. go to - it will change your life! I promise that! An those of you who are asking yourself "What is General Conference?" It happens every six months.. when the Prophet ( just like Noah, Moses, and others in the Bible) and His 12 apostles speak to the world! It is translated in over a hundred different languages and broadcast in over a hundred different countries! Currently there are 15 million members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! That is amazing! Last October there were 58,000 missionaries serving around the world... This October there are 80,333 missionaries serving around the world!!!!!!!!!!! I am so blessed to be one of those 80,333!
These were some of my favorite quotes and/or notes I took!
Robert D. Hales - Listen & then Live!
Ulisses Soares - Improve day by day! As fast as possible!
Carde M Stephens - The Sacrament renews ALL covenants!
Edward Dube - Never look back, look at what you have to do!
David A Bednar - Tithing brings significant, but subtle blessings!
Dieter F Uchdorf - Always have a daily walk with Christ! Doubt your doubt, before you doubt your faith!
Boyd K Packer - The Lord's blessings will come!
D Todd Christofferson - Bless others by service and sacrifice!
S Gifford Nelson - This is the greatest era in church history!
Arnulfo Valenzuela - Singing hymns change people's hearts!
Timothy J Dyches - Jesus Christ heals body, mind, and Spirit and it begins with faith!
Jeffrey R Holland - If the bitter cup does not pass, drink it!
M Russell Ballard - When missionaries and members kneel in faith and ask for opportunities, it is impossible for us to fail!
Henrey B Eyring - I gave them to you because I knew you could and would love them!
Dallin H Oaks - Courage not compromise!
Bonnie L Oscarson - You have to be converted - no one can do it for you!
Richard J Maynes - You must become the rock - the river can not wash away!
Richard G Scott - Repentance is not a punishment!
President Thomas S Monson - HE IS WITH US!
Quentin L Cook- The evils of the world will bring bondage - spiritual and temporal.
Neil L Anderson - 1 Nephi 11:17 - this is the scripture I gave him when I met him last month and he used it in his talk!!!!!!
David M McConkie - Your lesson will become the Savior's lesson!
Kevin S Hamilton - There will always be a "good" activity to go to instead of church!
Adrian Ochoa - Don't forget to look up!
Terence M Vinson - We need to use all of our strength - which means the Lord's strength also!
Russell M Nelson - True change can only come from the Atonement of Jesus Christ!
President Thomas S Monson - May we ever be found doing the work of the Lord!
Awww! Just listen to these talks! They are amazing! There were so many more things I loved, but that is just the one liners!
Also - so many other miracles! Jesse and Carlos came to watch General Conference with us and loved it! Katy went to SLC to watch it and loved it!
We met with Jesse earlier this week and taught him the Law of Chastity! He told us he wished he would have no about this before! He loved it and is trying to really be a great example for his son, Uriah - who is 4 years old! He is really turning around and is an amazing sight to see!
Okay - I have to telling you about the "Willing and Brief Invitation" It is amazing and truly inspired! So this is how it goes....
"Would you be willing to hear a brief presentation about _________ (Jesus Christ, How families can be together forever, why I am so happy ( you fill in the blank)) by two of our ________ (amazing, diligent, bright) young missionaries serving in your area?" If they say no, that is totally okay! We all have our free agency, just go on with the convo! But if they say yes, set up a time at your home or at the church and tell the missionaries went it is and they will make it there! We do this "W&B" Invite everywhere we go! As we talk to people on the street or in the store! It's super easy and really great! You don't have to be friends with someone to invite them to learn more about the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ! The Gospel is for EVERYONE!
ALSO! I just want you to know how much I love you and how much you mean to me! I am so grateful for all the love and support I receive from all of you! I could not do this without you or my Savior! What a blessing it is to have each other!! Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers!
All my love,
Sister Davis