Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 25 2013- Provo MTC


I am so excited that I have a chance to send you all a letter! I love you & miss you SO much! I have been at the MTC for 8 days now and it has been the best 8 days of my entire life! And I'm not even exaggerating! I love it here! I have been learning so much and enjoying every minute I have here! I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to learn, grow, and prepare in this amazing place. Everyone here at the MTC is so sweet and helpful. There has been so much going on I'm not sure where to begin and what exactly I should share with you. I have had so many wonderful and spiritual experiences I wish I could tell you everything. I'll start off with just some basic information.

My companion's name is Sister Nichols and she is from Palmyra, New York! How cool is that!? Sister Nichols and I work so well together and I am truly blessed to have her as my companion. We always seem to be on the same page. We have similar goals and hopes for the success of our missions. We have already taught 7 lessons together and we can always feel the Spirit in those lessons. I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to learn from her and with her. There 10 people in our district. 4 Elders. 6 Sisters. We have gotten to be so close. The Sisters are all going to the Las Vegas Mission, but the Elders will be serving in San Antonio! We are seriously a little family. We do everything together, from studying to eating meals to playing knock out and volleyball during our gym time. I love them so much and I am so grateful to have been able to spend my time at the MTC with them. I feel so blessed. I know it may sound like I am saying that a lot, but I truly have so much gratitude in my heart. It is so amazing to be apart of the Lord's work!

Every day is practically the same. I sleep, eat, study, and repeat. I study about 3-4 hours everyday on my own. I'm gaining so much insight from my scripture studies. I've grown to love and cherish the hours I get to spend learning! I have a few different teachers that come to teach my district each day. Each one of them have served missions and are so insightful. Sister Fuller, one of my teachers, served her mission in the Texas Houston East Mission, so I knew her from when she served in Atascocita Ward. It has been so nice to have a familiar face. I have been learning so much from my teachers. Not only do I learn important skills to have as a missionary, but I also learn life lessons that I know will benefit me in the future.

I see my old roommate, Kati Ford, everyday! It is so nice to see a familiar face among the 3,000 missionaries who are here at the MTC right now! I also saw Talyn Hohneke a ton before he left for his mission in West Virgina. Okay, something I thought was so cool was that on Wednesday, April 17th, the day I entered the MTC, was the first time in history that there were more Sisters who entered than Elders! There were 259 Sisters and 253 Elders! I think that is so awesome! And I am so excited to have the opportunity to be making history here!

Here's one quick story.. Everyone in my district was asked to prepare a talk on Faith. Our Branch President would choose two people out of four districts to speak in church. We didn't know if we were going to be one of the two until he called us out of the congregation on Sunday. And can you take a guess who was chosen out of like 40 people to speak... ME! But I love speaking in front of people and I was one of the only people who was prepared. I feel blessed to have had an opportunity to testify of faith in front of so many missionaries.

Something that I have gained a stronger testimony of since being here at the MTC is that Jesus Christ's gospel really is for everyone. No matter your situation or your struggles the Gospel can help you! I know that this is true! As I study and pray about the Book of Mormon I have come so much closer to my Savior. I know that the more I understand Christ's purpose and ministry the more I am able to understand my purpose here. I know that my Heavenly Father helps me everyday! I can feel His love and see His hand work miracles in my life! In Ether 12:6 it reads, "Ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith." I know we will have trails, but with faith in Jesus Christ we can overcome anything.

I wish I could spend more time telling you stories and expressing my love for each one of you! But I am limited on my time, as you all know.

I leaving for Las Vegas on May 1st! I won't be able to send another email until May 6th. So this is it for about a week and a half!

I love you all & pray for you everyday!


Sister Davis

P.S. Thank you so much for all of the dearelder mail, letters, and packages! I am truly blessed to have friends & family that love and support me! I have received more letters than all 10 people in my district combined! They've been counting, not me. Keep sending more! I love hearing about your lives! Even if you don't think you have anything interesting to say I promise I will love hearing about whatever you do have to say! If you aren't sure how to write me or what my address is check out my blog!!