Thursday, June 27, 2013

June 27 2013

Hello my lovely family and friends!
WOW! I feel so blessed! Today was filled with many emails and letters from my most favorite people.. EVER! Thank you for thinking of me. I love you all so much and think of you all the time! ALL THE TIME!
I have to say things here in Vegas are really great and I can't believe I have already been out on my mission for 10 weeks! I am loving every minute! Did any of you watch The Work of Salvation Broadcast last night?!!?!?!? No?? You missed out! Preach My Gospel changed Missionary Work for the last decade and that Broadcast will change Missionary Work for the next few decades!!!!!
L. Tom Perry announced, “The missionaries are now authorized to use the Internet in their proselyting efforts. During less-productive times of the day—chiefly in the mornings—missionaries will use computers in meetinghouses and other Church facilities to contact investigators and members, work with local priesthood leaders and missionary leaders, receive and contact referrals, follow up on commitments, confirm appointments, and teach principles from Preach My Gospel using, Facebook, blogs, email, and text messages. “Access to the Internet by missionaries and the use of digital devices will be phased over several months and into next year. We will be in touch with you when it is time for your mission and area to use these tools. Of course safety is paramount in this new frontier of missionary work. Mission presidents will monitor missionaries’ online work to help them remain safe in all they do.”
This is HUGE! I am so excited to be apart of this great and marvelous work! There was so much more that was said at the Broadcast! We will soon have all of our chapels open during the day and tours will be available for all, given by missionaries! I can't wait for that! Each chapel will turn into a little visit center type thing.
The work here in Robindale is moving forward a little more everyday! I know that as we continue to be strictly obedient the Lord will bless us with miracles!
The forty day fast is going great! We are about half way done and many of the members have friends they want to share the gospel with! They are bringing them to Family Home Evening and to Church. The members are feeling the urgency and excitement more and more!
We are doing a lot of reactivation! So far we have five people we are working with to bring back into the fold. ONE at a time! We are trying to care of the ONE! At last nights Broadcast someone said that the Lord will not trust you with more of His children if we don't take care of the ones we already have. We are working hard to help the children Heavenly Father has already blessed with the true Gospel.
I am so excited to see what comes of all the new changes! I know that they will bring the gospel to so many more of God's children who need His love. I feel so honored that I am able to help move the work forward!
I am always praying for YOU!
Sister Davis
P.S. Please keep writing!!!!!!!!!! I love letters! I have a book of every letter that has been mailed to me. (I can't print the emails). I only have one hour to email, so please write me letters so I have time to respond! XOXO.

Monday, June 10, 2013

June 10 2013


I hope you all are doing well! I love reading all of your letters and hearing about what is going on in your lives! I wish I could be there for all the good times and bad, but I know that I am needed here in Las Vegas. The work here is good and very hot! I'm melting! But I love it!

This last week we started our 40 day fast and we are already seeing the miracles poor out upon us and the Robindale YSA Ward! We had two investigator, that were not progressing. It was in all of our best interest to stop teaching them. We really didn't want to loose them, because we love them so much! But as soon as we did we received three new investigators out of the blue! We exercised our faith in the Lord and He truly did bless us! I am so grateful for the opportunity to see the Lord's hand so frequently.

This coming Wednesday our mission will begin to read the Book of Mormon together. We will each read 7-9 pages a day! We will finish the Book of Mormon in 75 days. Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon in 75 days! We are inviting everyone to join us in this amazing journey! I would like to invite each of you! This is something that I know will strength my testimony both in the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. I am so excited to have this opportunity! I hope you will join me!

I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ can help each one of us, no matter what we are going through! I am so grateful to be able to share that with people! I want to thank you all for the support you give me! I think of you often! I love and miss you so very much!


Sister Davis

Monday, June 3, 2013

June 03 2013

Let me just start by saying Heavenly Father truly is aware of each one of us, individually! He knows our worries and our fears. He wants to help us and He knows how to do that! Yesterday was a powerful day! Filled with blessings and miracles!
I had the opportunity to fast and this Sabbath Day I choose to fast in gratitude to my  Father in Heaven for all that He does for me. Here on the mission it is so much clearer to me that His hand is guiding ever aspect of my life! What a blessing! We had a powerful testimony meeting. Jantell, a girl who just started coming back to church, bore her testimony. It was beautiful! She talked about how she saw us in her apartment complex, 3 weeks ago, and ran home to clean. She started praying that we would knock on her door and we did. She has totally turned her life around, in order to grow closer to her Savior. It's amazing to see the changes she is making!
Sister Cardenas and I taught during the third hour of church. It was a combined Priesthood and Relief Society meeting. We began with testifying of the Savior and His 40 day fast. We then introduced that as a congregation we were going to start a 40 day fast. Each person was asked to fast one day for the missionary work in our area. We passed around a calendar for people to sign up on and by the end of the lesson it was full of names! Many people signed up for multiple days! We played a video called, "Small and Simple Things!" It was powerful! The Spirit was so strong! By the end there was not a dry eye in the room! The video explained the importance of our small acts of service and the importance of baring our testimony to those around us. We gave every person a black name tag just like ours.. They wrote their names on it and we reminded them that they are all called to this work! Bishop Tuke spoke for 15 minutes at the end. He asked, "How many of you go to a good restaurant and don't tell any of your friends about it? ...Why is sharing the Gospel any different? ...How many of you are worried about offending your friends by telling them about that good restaurant? ... Why are you afraid about sharing the Gospel? ... How many of your friends stopping being your friend if they don't like the restaurant you told them about? ... Why would they stop being your friend if you shared the Gospel with them?" Everyone got the message! Bishop Tuke had Sister Cardenas and I stand up in front of everyone and said, "We are so blessed to have these two missionaries in our ward, and they are sister missionaries, which is even better! Why do you think they are here? Do you think they didn't have things going on at home? Do you think Salt Lake didn't know what to do with them so they just gave them to us? They are called of God! They are here to teach our friends and our families. They are here to teach! They are the ONLY ones who have the authority from God to teach your friends and family in this area. You do not have the authority to teach them. I do not have the authority. We can bare testimony to our friends and family, but we cannot teach them! You are here to give Sister Davis and Sister Cardenas opportunities to teach!"
I can't even express to you the overwhelming feeling of the Spirit that was felt as Bishop Tukespoke. I definitely needed a reminder of my calling. Heavenly Father sent me here to teach! I know that as the Robindale YSA Ward fasts for missionary opportunities we will see miracles! We will! I cannot wait to see the affect each person has on their loved ones!
It only takes one person to introduce the Gospel to someone and change their life forever. Be that ONE person! We need you! God needs you!

I love you!
Sister Davis